Chapter 28: Nightmares

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Author's pov:

Although not totally forgetting about the horrific scenes, Aavyansh has somehow managed to suppress those memories in a corner of his mind.

But recurring nightmares were trying to bring him back to those dark parts of his brain, from where he so desperately wanted to crawl back to somewhere that could make him feel again.

It was like he was fighting all his inner demons in silence but they were eating him out. He felt like he was drowning and no matter how good of a swimmer he was, he couldn't come up on the surface. It was like the water was filling his lungs and he couldn't breathe. An unknown and invisible weight was pushing him to the darkness. Sweat beads formed on his face as he tried hard to fight those demons in his sleep.

He woke up terrified from the nightmare, his heart racing and his hands trembling as he tried to catch his breath, the memory of the terrifying images still fresh in his minds. 

"It was a dream!" He told himself, trying ahead to regain the control of his emotions.

Those nightmares were a constant reminder of the trauma that he had endured in those 5 days, a relentless assault on his mind that left him powerless and alone. He still felt pathetic about himself every time those scenes play in his mind. They were a source of torment that he can not escape, a reminder of the horrors that he has faced.

He was stronger than this, he closed his eyes, leaning his head against the head board as he tried to think of the good memories, taking in a deep breath.

The slight movement woke Shaurya up a little later. Her turned to his side and found Aavyansh sitting up on his bed. The table lamp by their bed was switched on and, in it's light, it was easy to see the look of anxiety in his face.

Aavyansh on the other hand was trying hard to cover up the incident and the images playing in his mind with good memories but he was terribly failing because all he could process right now was, his sister's hollow gaze focused at him, as she begged him to leave her and run to escape those monsters. She saved him but she died and there was no one else to blame other than him.

Aavyansh was no more than 6 years old when he was abducted along with his 15 year old sister. She was the most beautiful soul on the whole earth, her heart was generous, she was kind, pretty and always thought of others before herself. She loved Aavyansh more than she loved anyone else.

Her little brother was like the most precious flower to her and so was she for Aavyansh.

He knew there weren't only good people in the world. But what he didn't knew was that there existed these kind of people in the world too. His parents had warned him of bad ones but the ones who abducted children only to starve them, torture them, murder them and do all the gruesome things that will forever haunt them. Each and every moment spend in that warehouse was nothing but traumatizing for him.

"Are they going to kill us di?" The little Aavyansh had asked her snuggling closer to her as she hid him in her little arms, hiding away as many haunting scenes from her eyes as she could.

"Nhi Mera bachaa, you are not going to die here. I am not going to let you, I am here naa. As long as your di is here, she won't let anyone harm her little prince." His sister had mustered all the courage in her and and acted as brave as she could to whisper soothing words in his ear.

For as long as they were kept locked in that room, with atleast 15 kids almost their age, Anya hadn't let go of him for a single second.

As scared as he was, the more brave his sister acted continuously assuring him that Dad will find them before anything could happen. They will rescue them. And they did, but they were just a little too late.

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