Chapter 27: The royal family

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Author's pov:

Sia is the first one to step out when the Van stops in front of the Dhaba. The area seemed to be not so secluded but it was definately on the other side. The others too got out and Aavyansh and Adrian once again checked if the Van was locked securely.

They decided to take two bags with them to the Dhaba in case something goes wrong. They will atleast have food, money and the GPS and a map to the Goa. Shraddha complained about her stiff shoulder as Shaurya gave her pout.

"I am not sitting beside him next time!" She admitted out loud while Shaurya just once again pouted and the others chuckled.

Asher and Asmita looked over the 4 younger kids that kept looking here and there while Jyestha snapped a few pictures of the location and hers along with taking some random candid of the others.

Although her camera stayed the most on Yug but discreetly although she wasn't as discreet as she thought because when she checked the pic she just took of Yug, he was looking straight at the camera with a smirk in his face.

Feeling her cheeks turning red, she turns her face to the others side pretending to be interested in taking the picture of nature. Vihaan went inside to check if they could get a place to stay in the Dhaba.

"Can't we just stay here? The place looks so nice!" Asmita mumbled dreamily as Sia gave her a nod. "Right? So can you ask Naira di to postpone her wedding?" Sia pouted at Asmita as she gave it a thought "Oh! I wish I could." She muttered sighing as Sia too sighed audibly and the others gave both a them a 'Done look'

"Quite being dramatic both of you!" Veer stated giving both of them a 'I am more mature than you are' look as both the girls glared at him.

"Quite being your brother. Will you?" Sia mocked him as she scowled at Ansh. She tried to show that she was mad at him just as much as she could. The others chuckled already familiar with the situation.

Ansh ignored her as she looked down at her feet. "He isn't even trying to convince me!" She thought with a huff as she looked in front dejected. "I won't even speak a word if he wants that. But why does he needs to scold me always?" She thought determined.

"They don't have the exact no. of rooms but enough for us. We can manage." Vihaan spoke just as soon as he reached them and asked them to come in.

"They have a place to park the Van safely too." He informed as Ansh and Adrian looked at each other. "You three take them in safely, we will join you after parking the Van." Ansh informed as Adrian nodded.

The young boy that came out with Vihaan joined Ansh and Adrian to show them they way to their garage even though it was just in front of the Dhaba. They had used a bamboo to use it like a door that was stuck on the brick from one side and was fixed in sort of a pipe on the other wall.

"A minute." Adrian spoke stopping the others as he moved towards them "If anything and I mean anything goes wrong or you guys suspect anything, just give us a call." Ansh hushed to the guys as Sia rolled her eyes at him.

"We aren't playing thriller." She paused "Besides even if it goes you are no Superhero." She narrowed her eyes at them as Ansh once again ignored her and looked at the others "Better be safe than sorry!"

He and Adrian moved away and Sia looked at his back approaching the van as she fought back the tears.

"Jerk!" She muttered under her breath as Shraddha held her hand giving her an assuring look.

"Weren't you sleeping with me? Then how come I didn't realise you were awake?" She questioned looking ahead as Sia looked at her.

"Uhh! Well! I - I was watching the phone under the quilt,"She paused as Shraddha shook her head at her "Don't tell Ansh or the others, they will kill me." She finished.

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