Bonus chapter 1

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"Don't jaan me," Shraddha rolled her eyes as she took of her cardigan and randomly threw it on the bed.

"But what did I do?" Shaurya pouted after getting inside the room since Shraddha was about to close the door on his face.

"Bada baby baby kar rhi thi, if she wasn't a baby herself I swear I would have killed her." She huffed entering the washroom and washing her face.

Shaurya somehow managed to not chuckle as he patiently waited on the bed for her to come out knowing very well his jealous wife wasn't going to let him see the end of it so soon.

"And you asked me to go easy on," Shraddha started as soon as she came out after changing into comfy clothes but without letting her finish Shaurya entered the washroom.

Shraddha narrowed her eyes at him and started roaming in the room waiting for him to come out.

"Jaan, pass me my clothes yaar. I forgot." She heard Shaurya as her lips curved up in an evil smile.

"Awe did you," she asked with a cute pout as Shaurya opened and peeked outside nodding softly.

"Then go and ask your baby for it." She said in a sarcastic time and Shaurya didn't control his laugh this time as he stared at her.

"She isn't my baby, and besides I prefer to have babies with you instead." He smirked as she gulped.

Shraddha bit her lips as she went inside the walk in closet and handed him the trousers.

Shaurya soon came out as she looked up at him finding him shirtless.

"Where is your Shirt." She asked a tint forming on her cheeks.

"Well my wife didn't pass it to me." He teased her as Shraddha mentally face palmed.

And he couldn't remind her as well.

So many years and she still gets so shy.

"Two years of our marriage and yet I will never be able to get enough of you." He whispered stepping close to her.

"Oh really? Is that why you didn't say anything earlier?"

"I did but honestly it was fun, the way you were drilling holes in their head and then you even threw the vase away."

"Seriously? Correction, I didn't throw it away, it just fell down." I scrunched my nose at him.

"Yeah sure." His reaction clearly screamed he didn't believe me.

She rolled her eyes turning to go away but his hold on her waist stopped her.

She breathed in, leaning her back on his chest as he breathed in her scent.

"She was cute though, No?" He asked, a smirk on his face as he teased her.

She narrowed her eyes and her elbow connected with Shaurya's side, eliciting a playful groan from him as he pretended to be wounded. "Ouch! Watch it, love," he teased, still not letting her go.

Shraddha couldn't help but smirk at his exaggerated reaction. "Don't play innocent with me," she retorted, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "You were thoroughly enjoying yourself back there."

Shaurya grinned unabashedly, his dimples deepening as he leaned in closer to her, "You know what was more entertaining?" He asked, his voice laced with mischief. "Watching you get all worked up."

Shraddha rolled her eyes, though she couldn't suppress the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "You enjoy teasing me too much," she accused, though there was no real heat behind her words.

Shaurya shrugged, his gaze softening as he reached out to gently cup her cheek. "Can you blame me?" he murmured, his thumb tracing circles against her skin. "You're just too adorable when you're flustered."

A blush crept up Shraddha's cheeks at his words, but she refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her completely flustered. Instead, she mustered up her best poker face and replied, "Well, if you're done, I have a lot of work to do."

"Naah not yet," he said and gently let go of her as he stood in front of her and offered her his arm.


Shaurya had that look in his eyes, the mischievous glint that always made my heart race.

"What?" I asked, trying to maintain my grumpy facade.

He grinned, his playful demeanor infectious. "Just follow my lead, sunshine."

He led me towards the Balcony and opened the curtains, letting the moonlight enter our room and then he played our favourite song on the speaker, the one he always sings for me - Gulaabi

He then dramatically offered me his hand like a prince charming and I gave my hand in his.

The room transformed into a makeshift dance floor, complete with a soft melody that tugged at my heart. "Dance with me, Jaan," He softly said.

I rolled my eyes, but a small smile betrayed my attempt at nonchalance. We swayed to the music, his hand gently holding my hand. As we danced, the playful banter turned into something deeper, something that made my chest feel strangely tight.

"So you wanted to kill her," Shaurya teased, his eyes searching mine.

I huffed, "Well, she was practically throwing herself at you. Should I have rewarded her instead."

He chuckled, "Shraddha, you're the only one for me. No one else comes close."

His words stirred something within me - a mix of jealousy and vulnerability. Despite our playful banter, he had a way of seeing through my grumpy exterior. I couldn't help but feel the intensity of his gaze, the depth of his love.

As the dance continued, Shaurya's touch became more intimate, a subtle dance of desire and connection. He whispered words that melted away any lingering tension, his breath against my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"Shraddha," he murmured, his voice low and husky, "I love you Jalebi."

In that moment, the room seemed to vanish, leaving only the two of us entwined in the dance of passion. Shaurya's lips found mine in a heated kiss, igniting a fire that consumed any doubts or insecurities. In the intensity of our embrace, he made it clear, I was the only one for him, and he was the only one for me. Our love, chaotic and dramatic, surpassed any jealousy or banter, creating a connection that will always be beyond any kind of bond others shared.


It's a short chapter but I think it gives a good closure to them and I am alot late, I know but I just couldn't end the chapter even though I had it planned the way I wanted.

Anyways, now that it's out, enjoy and please let me know if you loved the chapter.

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