Chapter 50: Moon and never back

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My heart raced as Sia whispered an apology and then went limp in my arms. Panic surged through me as I realized she had fainted. Gently, I lowered her to the ground, cradling her head to ensure she was comfortable and safe.

"Darpan? Darpan, wake up!" I called out, my voice trembling with fear. Her eyelids fluttered, but she remained unresponsive. My hand shook as I reached for her pulse, relieved to find it steady but still deeply worried.

Shaurya and Shraddha who had rushed to our side, were equally alarmed. Shaurya dialed the Ambulance while Shraddha tried to comfort me, her reassuring words doing little to ease my anxiety as we all checked up on her.

I just couldn't wait for the ambulance as I picked her in my arms and ran towards our Car. Shraddha was quick to open the back door as I got in with her, while Shaurya sat in the driving seat and Shraddha took the passanger seat.

I felt like I was going to die as I stared at her unconscious self. She was never so quite. Hell! She would even talk in her sleep of that was possible.

Shraddha quickly searched the nearest hospital available to us which was thankfully just ten minutes away and we hurried there.

The journey to the hospital was filled with fear and uncertainty. I held her hand, silently praying for her to wake up. As the city blurred by through the car's window, I couldn't help but think about how close we had come to losing her, and the thought was unbearable.

As soon as we reached, I hurriedly got out from the car and took her inside. I watched in agony as they lifted her onto the stretcher, her pale face a stark contrast to the chaos that had just unfolded. The medical team rushed her towards the emergency room.

I was left waiting in the corridor, my heart heavy with worry. Every minute felt like an eternity, and I couldn't shake the fear of losing her.

Thankfully Shaurya and Shraddha were there to take care of the formalities, because I am on the verge of a panic attack.

Once she opens her eyes, she sure is going to get an earful from me. Why can't she be careful. This time I won't melt because of her puppy eyes, I am going to scold her and scold well.

"She is going to be fine." Shraddha whispered taking a seat beside me as she gave me an assuring look and I nodded at her.

They both took me in a tight hug, "She is stronger than this. Out Sia will make it out of this." Shaurya whispered to us as the three of us tried to provide comfort to each other.

Adrian and Grace had been continuously trying to contact all of us sensing something wrong so Shraddha decided to inform them first and assure that everything was okay while Shaurya informed our families.

I got up and went near her hospital room looking at her through the little glass on the door feeling my heartbeat increasing each second.

Looking at her in the ER right now, it felt like my heart would burst right out of my chest.

I heard someone say once that happiness is a butterfly and once you catch it, never let it go. And Sia she was more than just my happiness.

I shined when I met the sky of my moon, and Sia was that, she is the answer to all my prayers. I couldn't imagine a single minute of my life without her, The way she smiles, they way she laughs, making me also laugh along with her. Our morning walks and midnight talks. The silly arguments she has with me, the way her brown eyes shine the best way.

The study dates, the teasing, our games, our songs, our movie, our little first waltz at my Mom's birthday, Every little thing held importance for me because it was our world and I would not allow it to shatter like a glass wall.

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