Chapter 45: A glimpse into Shaurya's world

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Author's POV:

After spending some time together at the cafe Sia and Aavyansh also decides to go back.

"Darpan, can you wait for me by the car, I will just get some Pastries and Pizza maybe for everyone since we all are gathering after so many days?" Sia nodded at Aavyansh as she took the Car keys from him and moved towards the Parking lot while Aavyansh stepped inside the nearby bakery to buy the stuff.

It wasn't too late, approx 8 o'clock but darkness was taking over, a sense of uneasiness washed over Sia as she noticed a commotion ahead of her. She was sure the person looked too familiar.

Her heart skipped a beat. There stood Ahana, surrounded by a group of rowdy guys who seemed to be their age as well. Sia couldn't be more bothered about her, knowing how weirdly the girl has been recently behaving especially when they don't even know each other that well.

However she could notice the look of fear and tension on her face and without a second thought, Sia rushed forward, hoping she wasn't actually in a potential danger.

Aavyansh hadn't come out of the bakery yet.

"Hey Ahana!" She greeted her trying to act normal as Ahana looked up at her, a relieved expression taking over her face, "What are you doing here so late, that too alone?" She asked pretending not to notice the group of boys around them.

"I..." Beofre she could say anything one of the guy came forward bringing his hand towards Ahana as she stepped behind Sia clutching her eyes close,

"What do you think are you doing?" Sia asked bravely taking a protective step in front of Ahana, The guy however, instead of stepping back took a look at her, and then looked at his friends giving the girls a creepy look, "Hum to ek ke hi peeche the, yha to do do haath lag gai!" He smiled creepily at her as he grabbed the end of Sia's dress.

Without another moment she grabbed his hand twisting it as hard as she could as she spoke, "Next time, don't touch a girl without her permission, wrna do ka pta nhi, ek hi muh tod degi tumhara!" She fired back pushing him towards his friends.

"Look at that, I like fierce girls. Don't we dude?" He spoke to another one of his friends eyeing both of them creepily as Sia held Ahana's hand in her, "If you dare lay a hand on any of us, Do it. I would like to see you try." She bravely said, although she was afraid but she also knew that she can handle it by being brave because there were some people around them, the guys won't exactly be able to do anything with everyone around. She can either be scared or play smart.

One of the guys, emboldened by the chaos and her threat, attempted to grab her hand, Just as his hand extended, Aavyansh, swooped in between them.

He looked towards Sia, his eyes holding so many emotions as he inspected her for any injury. "Are you alright?" He gently asked looking both at her and at the girl behind her. Getting a nod from both of them, he turned back to the guy who extended his hand towards Sia.

With a furious and determined glare, he twisted the guys arm behind his back as he kicked him in the stomach from his knee, and spoke, "When a girl tells you No, it means a No."

The guy looked at him in horror as he yelled in pain, Aavyansh was physically quite strong so it wasn't a puzzle how he expertly incapacitated the guys, ensuring they wouldn't harm anyone else that night.

Sia making sure that Ahana wasn't too shaken moved towards Aavyansh, "Bas kar do, Jaan loge kya uski?" She gently asked holding back his first.

"Meri jaan ko jo bina uski ijazat haath lagaega, mai uski jaan le loonga." She gulped looking at the anger in his eyes as he stopped his onslaught, seeming to come out of his daze as he looked at her with concern in his eyes. He hadn't realized the depth of her bravery until now. "I am sorry," he let out, his voice laced with worry.

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