Bonus chapter 2

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I tiptoed into the room, and kept our breakfast on the table. It was Sunday and on Sundays I and Aavyansh have our breakfast in our own room because apparently he wants to spend more time with me than he already does. He even feeds me with his own hand. Sweet right? I know.

The sunlight was coming through the window and his rhythmic breathing signaled that he was still lost in his dream, I hope they are all about me.

I couldn't help but smile as I approached our bed, my heart already brimming with love for my man. As I sat beside him I couldn't help but try to annoy him as I let my hairs fall on his face.

Gently, I whispered, "Hey sleepyhead, it's time to rise and shine."

He stirred, a faint smile playing on his lips. Without opening his eyes, he mumbled, "Five more minutes, please."

I chuckled, attempting to get up but his hold on my hand stops me from doing so, "You say that every morning."

He finally cracks one eye open, looking at me with a mix of sleepiness and mischief. "Well, maybe because you always come to wake me up."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Or maybe you're just too good at pretending to sleep."

He grinned, pulling me into a sweet embrace. "Guilty as charged," he admitted, his arms wrapping around me securely. "But who could resist being woken up by the most beautiful sight in the morning?"

My cheeks flushed, and I couldn't help but peck him on the cheek. "Flattery will get you everywhere."

He tightened his hold, refusing to let me go. "Now, seriously, five more minutes. This is the best part of the day."

I sighed contentedly, knowing very well this was our daily routine, and nestling into the crook of his neck. "Fine, five more minutes, but no more."

He chuckled, fingers gently playing with strands of my hair. "Deal. And then, I have a surprise for you."

"Wait, surprise? Come-on please tell me what is it?" I ask, my excitement getting the best of me as I peek at him.

Giving me a knowing expression, hu chuckles, "Naah, I am not revealing it. You will have to come and see."



"Okay fine." I give in and he smiles at me.

After he let go of me and freshened up, I set out breakfast on the table and he fed me with his hand likes we do on every Sunday and then after we both got ready and took the blessings of the elders and informed them that we were going out, we both left in our car.


As we drove deeper in the forest, I couldn't help but steal glances at her, my Darpan, my beloved wife, seated beside me in the car. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity, unaware of the surprise I had in store for her. I gripped the steering wheel with anticipation, eager to reveal the secret destination I had planned for us.

"Where are we going, Ansh?" she asked, unable to keep in the excitement like always and I chuckled.

"It's a surprise, Darpan," I replied, a mischievous grin playing on my lips. "Trust me, you'll love it."

Before reaching out destination I closed her eyes with the help of a blindfold.

The winding road led us deeper into the forest, the beautiful ambience enveloping us in its serene embrace. Finally, we arrived at our destination - a beautiful and small cottage nestled amidst the trees, a secluded haven away from the chaos of our daily lives.

I got out from the car and went to her side to open the door for her and helped her come outside.

"Are we ready?" I asked standing right in front of our cottage as she nodded, a smiled making it's way on her lips.

"Always ready with you." She says and with that I remove her blindfold.

Her eyes widened in astonishment as she took in the sight before her. "Ansh, is this... ours?" she gasped.

I nodded, a sense of satisfaction washing over me as I saw the joy spread across her face. "I wanted us to have a place where we could escape to whenever we needed some time alone."

Stepping out of the car, we made our way to the front door, hand in hand. As I unlocked the door and swung it open, a warm glow greeted us from within, the beauty of the cottage taking us in.

Entering the cozy living room, I watched as Sia's eyes darted around the space, taking in every detail with wonder. "It's perfect, Ansh," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion.

She went towards the pictures set perfectly on the wall that included not only us but our whole family. She moved her hand through the pictures, getting a bit emotional as she hugged me tightly.

"You are the best, you know." She pouted at me and I smiled hugging her back as I say, "You are my essence."

Leading her further into the cottage, I showed her the bedroom, the kitchen, and everything that there was. Grace designed it actually and it turned out the best.

There were four bedrooms in total, one belonged to Shaurya Shraddha, one for Adrian and Grace and one for Asher and Felicity and well the last one is mine and my Darpan's.

Each room held the promise of countless memories waiting to be made, of moments shared between us.

She looked outside the window and her eyes brightened in excitement as we heard the pitter-patter of the rain.

"Wow it's raining." She said, a cute pout adoring her face as I took her hand in mine.

"Let's go then,"

As soon as we stepped outside, beneath the canopy of trees, the rain drenched us, it's droplets dancing against the leaves in a symphony of nature's music.

Without a word, I took her hand in mine, pulling her closer after playing her favorite song in my phone. Our laughter mingled with the sound of the downpour as we twirled and spun, lost in the moment, lost in each other.

"Thank you, Ansh," she whispered, her eyes shining with love as she pressed her forehead against mine.

"For what?" I asked, my heart overflowing with affection for my Darpan who had captured my soul.

"For this," she replied, gesturing to the world around us, to the love that enveloped us like a warm embrace. "For always knowing exactly what I need, even before I do."

And in that moment, as the rain continued to fall and our laughter echoed through the forest, I knew that there was nowhere else I'd rather be than here, with her, my Darpan, my wife, my Sia.


Finally over with them as well.
It was so tough to decide what to write but here it is, hope you guys loved it.

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