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Shraddha's pov:

"It's going to be fab." Sia's voice worked like magic in my ears and I was finally feeling confident even though I could feel my heart racing. Tonight was the night I had been planning for months, Our Parents were ready for my and Shaurya's marriage.

Rajveer uncle, oops! Sorry, I mean Dad visited my Parents along with Jhanvi aunty and Shaurya and Aavyansh to ask for my hand and my parents said yes.

My Dad loved Shaurya and finally I also got to know about the whole "My Dad would wait for Shaurya to come to ask for my hand."

It's been so perfect. I met Shaurya in my 11th standard for the first time when I was trying so hard to prove myself but he somehow managed to teach me to love myself better than I ever could.

It's been 11 years since I met him and 9 years of our relationship. From distance separating us to sometimes our ambitions, we both had always taken out our time for each other.

I could have never done this without him and his support. In the last five years my company, "Fashion and Style" has managed to make enough name for itself. All thanks to Sia's investing, Shaurya's constant support and Aavyansh's business mind and obviously all of my friends and family's help.

Dad and Mom shifted here three years back with me and I couldn't be more happy to finally buy them a house of our dreams where the three of us live like we dreamed of. Shaurya has been the son my parents never had and he has fulfilled every duty of being a son very lovingly.

I couldn't be less thankful to Shaurya for making my life so perfect only by existing but then again if I try that I will just end up crying in front of him so I had arranged a proposal for Shaurya because I want to do something for him as well.

I had chosen the perfect setting, an art gallery filled with the most exquisite works of art, all of his favorites and also his works. It was a place that held special meaning for Shaurya. I still remember how we used to meet after so many days tired from all the work and we would just come to an art gallery, sit there and spent hours discussing his favorite artists and their creations, and my new designs, my favorite designers and all the more I want to do.

The gallery was now closed to the public, and I stood nervously in front of the large doors, waiting for Shaurya to arrive. I had told him that we were attending a private viewing of a new exhibition, obviously he doubted because him not being invited was kinda impossible but I told him I had his invite, little did he know that the real exhibit was our love story.

My hands trembled as I adjusted the small velvet box in my pocket, the one containing the engagement ring that had taken me weeks to pick out. I had chosen a simple yet elegant ring, a reflection of our relationship. Like a piece of art, our love was unique, beautiful, and meant to be cherished.

Finally, I heard the familiar sound of Shaurya's footsteps approaching the gallery. My heart skipped a beat, and I took a deep breath to steady myself. As he walked through the gallery doors, his eyes widened in surprise, and a smile slowly spread across his face.

"Wow, it's Beautiful," he said, his gaze not moving from me. I smiled shyly as he came closer. I was wearing the dress he gave to me on my birthday last year. Shaurya has always found me beautiful in any form but according to him everytime I wear white, he almost faints. His words not mine.

"Me or the setting?" I asked him with a smirk as he chuckled, his eyes sweeping over the paintings and sculptures that adorned the walls. "How did you manage to arrange a private viewing Jalebi?"

I smiled, trying to keep my nervousness at bay. "I have my ways," I replied, leading him further into the gallery. "But there is something even more special."

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