Declaration of War

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After 3 Weeks the preparation for the operation is completed just the declaration of war is needed.

Erika managed to get Olivia a position in the military as an officer in her army group.

Olivia under the guidance of Erika was good just like Casia intended.

But it means that Olivia might be on the frontline which she will show some of her powers but it was too be unnoticed by everyone to keep secrecy.

During 1937 the German populace standard of living was good that it attracted Many migrants specifically Jewish people who were discriminated.

So in turn the German Reich can increase its Military and industrial capabilities if neccessary.

But it's also the time for war.

The Declaration of War is to be announced by Casia herself.


German Reich, Reichstag

Many Germans gathered for this occasion along with some Military Personnel to guard Casia for any assassinations.

Soon the speech began with Casia on the podium wearing a military Uniform of someone of a higher rank.

Casia: My People of the German Reich, I Casia Von Hipper has announced the Declaration of war against Italy. Due to their recent violation of Human Rights on Jewish settlers in Italy, We the German Reich promised to protect the Jews just like we protect our own citizens.

We will Welcome them unlike the other countries that dare reject them, We may have a bad history during Ww1 but is that the focus here? No it isn't everyone are just afraid of us growing in power that's it. But for the Jews? Their is no hesitation they die in these cruel world, So it's only appropriate that we must make our new history. A History full of greatness that will be forever remembered by everyone.

So The People of the German Reich will you follow me through this justified war to save the Jewish People and create a new era?

The German people that gathered were inspired by the speech that they shouted their agreement for the war.

This was broadcasted by the German Reich to other countries with many reactions such as France who sees this as a potential future war with the German Reich (Which they were right).

Great Britain though was a bit split whether to support Italy due to them supporting the Nationalist Spain, due to that they sided with the Germans so they send a delegation there which was agreed that Great Britain will provide support for evacuating any civilians during the war and some help in the navy.

Italy who were still preparing their military were unaware of the movements in the Austrian Border.


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