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Eagle Union, Pearl harbor

Co. Daniella: Vestal, is it done already?

Vestal: Yes, I have taken Her Cube she only has 1 hour left to live.

Co. Daniella: Good. Send my regards to Enterprise, I'm finally retiring.

Vestal: Yeah, of course, anyways I'll leave now.

Co.Daniella: Go ahead,( Finally I can rest easy anyways let's visit Yorktown one last time.)

Co.Daniella then walked for a while and finally found where Yorktown was in, and she entered the room to find it all messed up with blood and Yorktown on a wheelchair.

Co.Daniella: Look who we have here, someone who is crippled hahahahhahaha.

Yorktown looked at her in anger, which was noticed by Daniella.

Co.Daniella: Oh, you can't speak? Look how far you have fallen.

Yorktown:( Fucking Traitor, you don't even realize that I have a bomb in my wheelchair hidden by Cleveland if I die here your coming with me bitch.)

Co.Daniella: Hahahahahahhahahaha You will die here as you have opposed our government and Co.Paul.

Yorktown immediately started pressing the hidden button, something that Daniella found weird and annoying.

Co.Daniella: Hey, stop that it's very annoying.

But Yorktown kept on doing it as she knew it would activate the bomb.

Co.Daniella was very annoyed and curious as to why she kept pressing something, and she realized it was too late.....

Co.Daniella: FUCKING Bom-

Soon an Explosion happen on the room leaving Yorktown Body to be annihilated by the blast while Co.Daniella managed to get out of the room while Doctors and Nurses hurried to aid her only to find half of her face was gone and soon died as her body dropped on the floor.


Season 2!

Do be warned that some 🔞 scenes are in season 2, and of course, the update will be slightly slower, so do bear that in mind.

And if some of you all have some suggestions on what weapons, jets, and vehicles will Casia bring, you can leave your suggestions on these chapters as I'm slowly adding more on the armament chapter.

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