(Special Chapter) Bad Dream

358 16 4

September 6 2001

Eagle Union, White House

Years after the siren war and the Operation Frozen Sea, Eagle Union has begun its rebuilding of its cities and its economy that were destroyed by the sirens during the war.

Although there were some shipgirls who view the operation with disdain due to their bonds made with Ironblood and Sakura Empire during the war but due to Enterprise who became the President ensured that such things will not result in a civil war.

Co.Paul was still the Commander in Eagle Union but actually have the same power with Enterprise thus effectively controlling Eagle Union.

With her Ambitions reached she had begun sending more weapons to the Ironblood Separatist which was lead by Prinz Eugen.

However her relationship withHer Sister Hornet was now Cold, due to the apparent death Of Yorktown at the hands of Vestal which was pardoned by Enterprise as it was just an accident but Hornet never believed it and instead became cold towards everyone.

Nevertheless being a president is challenging task indeed as there were many assassination attempts on her which she dealth swiftly.

In the Oval Office she was doing her work but she was too tired and slept.....

She woke up to find that she was once again in a forest where she was ambushed by Assassins but she dealth with them.

Enterprise: Why am I here? This Forest ah i remember it's just a few weeks after that assassination attempt.

She then looked around to find one Assassin alive who immediately fired at her but it was ineffective.

Enterprise: ( Fool you can't kill me, why did I even bring Guards if they are useless )

Enterprise then ripped a part of a tree and throw it on the Assassin killing him instantly.

But she heard the voice that she know very well.

Yorktown: Oh wow thats a bit Gruesome isn't it my sister.

Enterprise: Yorkto- (before she could say anything was shocked by what Yorktown Looked like.)

Yorktown had a hole where her cube was supposed to be one of her eye is missing and she is covered in a lot of blood.

Enterprise: You are just annoying.

Yorktown: Ah You did see me like that after the years We spend together?

Enterprise: Of Course since you were crippled at the time.

Yorktown laughed so much that Blood started flowing in her mouth.....

Yorktown: Hahahah You see isn't death a beautiful thing?!

Enterprise: You have gone Crazy....

Yorktown: You might call it like that but have you ever thought of every action that you have done in these years?

Enterprise: Huh what do you mean?

Yorktown: Still you are an idiot, everything has consequences and you will never know what's coming, do you really think just because you killed me Betrayed Ironblood and Sakura Empire you are safe....

Enterprise: So what I'm now the president, I have the Power.

Yorktown: Wahahahahah,  Did you really think highly of yourself Enterprise....

Yorktown: Everything will come crashing down for you and the others...

Yorktown: I truly Can't Wait Enterprise ahahahahahahahahahahahah Let's Meet Again.


Enterprise then woke up sweating as she  then looked around quickly to find that she is still in the oval room....

Enterprise: What was that about......

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