C. 15

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Hi! I'm sorry I'm a bit late... but here's the new chap!Enjoy your reading! And thank you always for your support and your kindness.

All week Maya and I have been spending our evenings trying to find the best possible way to communicate my pregnancy to Viviana. She has even taken to doing some embarrassing internet research, like "how to tell your daughter she's going to be a big sister" on equally embarrassing blogs. Taking advantage of the fact that I have the whole weekend off from work, this morning I decided to take matters into my own hands: we will take Viviana to the beach, which is her favorite place in the world, and there we will break the news to her, direct and unabashed, ready to answer her inevitable questions.

So I look for Maya around the house, to warn her to get dressed that we will be leaving shortly. She's not in the kitchen, she's not in the playroom with Vivi either, and she's not even watching the news in the living room like she does every Saturday morning. I head for our room then and actually hear the shower water running...I even smile a little mischievously as my hormones celebrate being able to see her naked even if only for a moment. Opening the bathroom door, Maya doesn't notice anything, because her back is turned, but I hear an unmistakable noise.

C < love, are you masturbating?!> I exclaim. Maya jumps from fright, dropping the bubble bath right on her foot and starting a series of expletives. < answer me!> I almost scream, banging on the shower glass.

M < fuck, Carina, you scared the shit out of me!> she exclaims. < what is it? > she finally asks, turning slightly toward me.

C < were you masturbating? > she sighs.

M < can we put an end to this awkward thing? What did you want?> I snort.

C < let me see!> I demand and she laughs.

M < I think he died of a heart attack too..> I look into her eyes and instantly soften. Maya sighs and opens the shower stall slightly, pulling out only her head to kiss my lips softly. < did you need me? >

C < yes. Get dressed to go out..> she frowns.

M < where are we going? >

C < to the sea. Today we tell Viviana..> and so saying by instinct my hand rests on my tummy. Maya on the other hand opens her eyes wide.

M < what do you mean today?> I roll my eyes.

C < Maya, please. We've already talked about this countless times..> she sighs and then runs her hands through her hair.

M < all right. Give me ten minutes..>

C < is that enough for you?> I joke, throwing her a lascivious little smile.

M < love, after this news I don't think he will ever rise again..> she says referring to her penis. I laugh and leave the bathroom, shaking any possible mischievous thoughts out of my head.

We arrived at the beach almost at lunchtime, so we tacitly decided to wait a while before talking to Viviana. Maya and the little one ran merrily around the beach, which was quite full of people considering the nice weather, playing with a ball and then with marbles, before going to eat at a little restaurant, located right on the beach, which is one of our favorites, where Maya and I occasionally escape to have a plate of linguine allo scoglio throughout the warm season.

While I then relaxed on the sand, reading a book - I must admit I really needed it - Maya tried to get Viviana to rest, but the result was a heavy defeat, because Viviana is more awake than ever. I must also admit that I spent most of my time peeking in love at what the two of them were doing, spying on them from over the book with a dumb smile on my face. Maya suddenly lifts her gaze, fixing it in mine and nods her head slightly, letting me know that this is the right moment for her: they are in fact building a sand castle, and perhaps finally being a somewhat less dynamic activity than they have been doing so far might be our perfect moment. I get up then and join her.

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