Fairwell NYC

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This is it. The moment I've finally being waiting for.

Just kidding. Moving to Santa Barbara wasn't exactly the plan all along. The plan was to go to Princeton and become a successful, money-making, big-shot Lawyer and well I'm halfway through college, currently 21 and miserable with how my life if turning out. This wasn't my dream, it's my dad's and I think I've finally given up trying to please him because life is too short.

I've always loved art, and I've always loved the ocean so I thought why not put the two together and moved to Southern California? So that was it. After carefully considering everything (who am I kidding? I spent 30 minutes searching for places to but in SB and was completely sold on the idea.) I spent two hours brainstorming and pitching the idea to my bestfriend Laura in hopes to convince her that we should go together and this will be the best decision we ever make.


The loud sound of Laura's cackle echoed around the room as I sat facing her with a confused expressing wondering what sort of drugs my friend was on right now.
She stops suddenly when she realises that I'm not joining in with her laughter.

"Wait." She pauses. "You're not kidding are you?" The colour from her face drains as she looks at me like I'm the most craziest person on the planet.

"No Laura. I'm completely serious." I said sighing. I get up from my bed frustrated that she isn't taking me seriously. "I've already brought a place so if you want to join me your welcome to." I slightly begged her. I was totally fine with moving to the other side of the country but I'm not sure if I would cope on my own seeing as I know 0 people from California.

"I don't know Alena. I still don't know whether I'm transferring colleges yet." She said defensively.

Laura was also studying at Princeton and had met some guy named Jack at some bar in Brooklyn on her 19th birthday but it turned out he was from LA and was studying at UCLA which then made Laura want to transfer to be closer to him. Her parents weren't so happy about the idea so Laura still doesn't know for certain if she isn't transferring.

"Who cares if your parents disown you! Mine are going to disown me so why not go through this together?! I know you want to be closer to jack!" I say trying to convince her. To be honest I knew it wouldn't take much to convince Laura. She was the type to easily get drawn or pushed into things because she kinda didn't have a mind of her own.

"You already have a place?" She mourned looking at me questioning the words I spoke earlier.

"Yes!! For the millionth time. Everything is sorted. All we need to do is confirm your transfer, pack our shit and get the hell outta here!" I said jumping on to of her. She let out a loud squeal as I squished her.

"Ok, ok!!! Fine let's move to Santa Barbara." She said pushing me off of her.

"Wooooo! Here we come west coast!" I shouted pulling out my suitcase.


Just a quick introduction scene! Paul will be introduced in the next chapter so don't panic ;)

I follow back anyone who follows me 💜
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