Bucket Lists

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"Dad!" Meadow shouts running up to Paul once she sees us walk around the corner. We had both walked around the back way to get to Rebecca's yard where the gathering was being held.

As Paul picked Meadow up and she wrapped her arms around him almost suffocating, I laugh and look around. It was a huge backyard, with loads of beautiful flowers and palm trees covering the land and was a large water fountain in the middle. There must of been around 40 people here. I started to feel very nervous as I recognised Rebecca, from pictures Paul had shown me, walking towards us. She had dark brown hair that went just past her shoulders and a very radiant smile. She was wearing a beautiful floral maxi dress. I tried my best to not seem intimidated by her but for some reason I definitely was.

"Great turnout, when will the food be ready?" Paul asks jokingly, smiling as he kisses her cheek and let's Meadow down. This man was always thinking about food, I honestly don't know how he isn't overweight.

"Ha ha! Soon Paul, don't you worry!" She retorts quickly. It feels weird seeing them interact like this. I didn't expect them to be so comfortable around each other. I guess they don't have any bad blood. Meadow is very lucky to have separated parents who don't argue or yell at each other.

"Rebecca this is Alena, Alena, Rebecca." Paul finally introduces us to each other. I started to feel a bit like a brick wall just standing here looking like a melon.

I smile widely and stick my hand out for Rebecca to shake. "Nice to meet you, thanks for the invite." I say to her.

"Nice to finally meet you too!" She returns the gesture and shakes my hand. "Meadow doesn't stop talking about you, Paul too." She says shaking Meadows shoulders who was stood in front of her grinning. I look across at Paul and see him blushing which almost makes me laugh. "Let me get you both drinks, what would you like?"

"Beer sounds good to me." Paul smiles.

I nod. "I'll have a beer as well please." I didn't want to drink too much tonight but one beer won't hurt right?

"Two beers coming right up!" Rebecca says heading towards the direction of the kitchen.

"Can we do something fun tomorrow dad?" Meadow asks as we all walk over to some spare seats.

"Sure we can go to the water park, does that sound fun?" Paul asks as he pulls out a seat for me to sit on. I thank him and sit down. Meadow nods excitedly and jumps on my lap. I laugh and the chair almost tips backwards at the sudden weight. I let out a yelp as we both almost fall back onto the grass.

"Mead, please be more careful." Paul says holding the chair moving it back in place. She mumbles a sorry and joins in laughing with me.

"So what have you been up to trouble?" I ask Meadow, using a nickname that suits her very well if I do say so myself.

"Well me and my mom went to the aquarium yesterday and we saw these massive sharks!" She says stretching her arms as wide as she could. Paul starts laughing.

"Oh yeah? They must of been huge!" I smile. I remember going to the aquarium as a little kid and being so excited looking through the glass at all those amazing creatures.

"Yeah, and then we went to see the dolphins perform an awesome dance routine!" They were leaping out of the air, spinning and everything."

"That sounds like something I want to see before I die." I laugh looking at Paul. That ones going on the bucket list.

"Here you go." Rebecca says handing me and Paul our beers before sitting down next to us. "So how are you liking Hawaii so far?" She asks looking at me, shading her eyes from the bright sun.

"Oh it's beautiful here, definitely would consider living here." I say taking a sip of my drink.

"Excuse me, I'm gonna' go say hi to the guys." Paul excuses himself standing up. Meadow gets up from my lap and follows him.

"Your originally from New York, right?" She says.

I nod. "Sure am. I moved to Santa Barbara about 3 months ago to study." I explain.

"Yeah, you have a strong accent, like my dad, he's from New York too." I smile. I didn't think my accent was that strong but I guess being around people from California it comes across as a strong accent. "So you're at college?" I nod again. "What do you study?"

"Art and Interior Design." I say.

"Would you ever consider redesigning my house? The previous owners did a terrible job and I don't know the first thing about what colours match and what kind of furniture to buy!" She says laughing.

"Yeah I can do that, that's if me and Paul are still seeing each other next time were out here." I agree.

"You two definitely seem well suited. I think ladies need to date guys a little older because guys are like 5 years behind on the maturity scale." She says.

"That's so true!" I laugh.


Slow update but I've been a little busy this weekend.

If anyone wants to follow my instagram you're more than welcome, I will follow back if you seem normal enough to me 😂 it's lourichardsonxo

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