Would I Lie?

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"Did it hurt?" Sarah asks me as she holds my wrist closer to her face, so that she could get a better look at my tattoo in the very dark lighting.

"Not really, it just felt like being scratched constantly." I shrug, answering her question. I couldn't really recall how much it hurt because I got it done when I was 16. It was a floral design that I had drew myself. It wasn't anything significant but I just thought it would look cool. My parents weren't particularly pleased. I recall them saying something along the lines of, "what kind of person is going to hire a lawyer with a stupid tattoo" and "no one will ever take you seriously."

"I really want a tatt but I'm such a baby when it comes to needles!" She says.

I nod. "I guess it depends what your pain tolerance is like, but I think the pain is mostly in your head-"

"Are you ready to head back?" Paul interrupts me. He had just gone to the bar to pay the bill. I check my phone and see that it's almost 1. I nod and stand up. We all say goodbye and Paul takes my hand as we walk out.

"That was fun!" I say trying not to stumble over myself. I hadn't drunk too much but I was a little bit tipsy. "You're friends are funny." I say smiling. Jesse had told me all these amazing stories about his and Paul's adventures to different countries. They had some fairly weird experiences to say the least.

"Yeah, they're pretty crazy." He looks at me. "You fit right in." He smirks. Paul was looking a bit rough compared to how smart he looked earlier. I guess the drinking and karaoke had taken a toll on him. Still handsome though.

"Heyyy!" I shove his arm.

The wind had picked up and being near the sea, the breeze was chilly. My hair was blowing around like crazy.

"This place is beautiful." I say as I look out onto the beach as we walk down the path. The moon was reflecting perfectly onto the dark sea, making it sparkle.

"Just wait until we go hiking, the view from up there is insane." Paul says pointing up towards a mountain. If it's anything like the last time we went hiking then it should be perfect.


"My feet are done!" I say as I take my shoes off once we get into the house.

"It wasn't even a long walk!" Paul laughs as he throws his keys on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, but I did a lot of dancing!" I retort.

He goes to the refrigerator and pulls out two bottles of water. "This should help prevent a headache in the morning." He says as he hands me one of them."

"Thanks." I say kissing his cheek. Suddenly his hand goes behind my neck, pulls my face back closer to his and his lips attack mine all within a split second. I'm so caught off guard that it takes me a moment to realise what is happening before I can respond.

WARNING - kinda smutty but not really

He turns me and lifts me up onto the counter without taking our lips off of each other's. I start to pull at his black tshirt as his hands run up my legs. We break apart as he takes his hands off and helps me lift his top up off of his body. My hands instantly slide up and down his torso as he pushes my kimono off of my shoulders. I quickly take my top off and he attacks my neck once I do.

Paul bends down slightly, wrapping an arm under one of my legs and one on my back. He picked me up laughing and carried me into his bedroom, as I pressed into his chest chuckling.

He set me down onto the bed and gave me a light kiss on my lips. I sat with my legs either side of his, his fingers ran through my hair as he looked down at me smiling.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered, tucking loose strands of hair behind my ear, his crystal blue eyes staring into mine.

"That's a lie." I smiled back, watching as he let out a huff, his smirk still showing on his pink lips as his eyes looked downwards.

"I wouldn't lie to you." He says pressing his lips to mine once again, this time a little bit rougher and with more passion.


Paul rolled onto his side, wrapping an arm over my waist and leaning his head on my cheek, as my eyes started to flutter with exhaustion. "That was insane." Paul murmurs in my ear.

"Yeah." I lightly chuckle. I sigh as Paul pulls up the covers to cover both of us.

"Goodnight beautiful." He says kissing the side of my head.

"Goodnight Paul."


Wasn't sure whether to go into more detail with the sex scene so comment if you don't mind if I do and I might change it and reupload a more explicit version 😁😂

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