Secrets And White Lies

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"Why didn't you tell me you're birthday was today?" Paul asks. He always comes to my place unexpectedly which I find funny.

Today was my birthday and I don't really care for people knowing or fussing about it. I hate being the centre of attention, it just makes me uncomfortable.

Laura however wanted everyone on the street to know about it because she put up balloons outside the front door and attached a massive banner to my car. She's also making me wear a stupid sash saying "birthday girl" and a stupid plastic tiara, which I refuse to leave the house wearing.

"It didn't come up in conversation." I shrug, laughing. I invite Paul inside and lead him towards through the house and we walk outside into the backyard where Laura is sitting in the sun reading a book. "Paul's here." I say as we walk around so she can she us.

"Hey!" She says putting her book down. We both start to sit down on chairs that are on the opposite side of the table but she interrupts me from doing so.

"Hey, Al can you get me a drink?" Laura says as she holds up her empty glass smiling innocently.

"Why don't you get it? I'm the birthday girl after all." I say jokingly as I point to my sash.

"I know but you're already standing up." She says pointing out.

"Alright." I say sighing. "Paul, would you like anything?" I ask.

"Uh, just a water please." He says as he sits down.

I grab Laura's empty glass and head back inside to get her some more water. I glance back outside through the glass door and see Paul and Laura talking. I hope she isn't interrogating him or worse embarrassing me. I fill up the glass as quickly as possible and go back outside. They both turn quiet as soon as I'm in sight.

"Here you go..." I say placing their drinks on the table, uncertain to why their conversation ended.

"You don't want a drink?" Laura says as she notices I only brought out two.

"I only have two hands you idiot." I say holding up my hands shaking them.

"I'll get you one." Paul says as he goes to stand up. I grab his arm and stopped him.

"No, don't worry about it." I say not being fussed about it.

He still got up and went inside to get me a drink.

"So what were you guys talking about?" I ask suspiciously as I watch Laura sip on her water.

"Nothing important just the book I'm reading." She says looking down.

"Are you sure about that?" I say giving her another chance to tell me the truth.

"Yep. Why, did you hear us?" She says quickly.

"No... What are you hiding from me?" I ask. Laura is quite possibly the worst liar on the planet and I can read her like a book.

"Nothing." She says and before I can question her further Paul comes back outside and hands me my drink. "Thank you." I say as he sits back down.

"So, any birthday plans?" Paul asks looking at both me and Laura.

"I haven't planned anything. I don't really celebrate my birthday, only if it's a important number." I shrug. I catch a smirk on Laura's face as she looks towards Paul. I quickly look to my side and see him turn his head quickly from Laura to mine.

"Why don't you go out with Paul today?" Laura suggests changing topic randomly.

"Laura! He's probably got better things to do." I say looking over at Paul but he shakes his head smiling.

"Nope. My day is completely free. C'mon let's go." He says standing up and pulling me with him.

"Let me change first, I look like a hobo." I quickly run up the stairs before he can object.


"Where to first?" I ask Paul as he parks the car and we both get out onto the street.

We decided to go around some shops and then eat in-between.

"Your choice birthday girl." He says smiling at me as we walk along. I look around and spot a really cool water sports shop just across from us.

"That one?" I ask pointing in the direction of the shop.

"Sure." He says motioning for me to lead the way.


"So come on then Mr Surfboarding expert, help me find the perfect board!" I say as we enter the shop. I had been talking to Paul about helping me learn how to surfboard but I hadn't got around to buying myself a board.

"Let me guess, you want a pink one?" He assumes, grinning like an idiot.

"Think you're a great comedian as well as an actor huh?" I say shoving him but not having much impact on him.

"I don't think, I know." He smirks from the other side of the surfboard laid out on a display table.

I stick my tongue out at him and turn around to look at the boards behind me. They all looked the same to me but apparently you need to find the right size and weight.

"What about this one?" Paul asks. I turn around and watch him pull off one from the selection on the wall.

I walk around the table and check out the board. My eyes scan over it and land on the price tag. My eyes widen immediately and I almost choke.

"You like it?" Paul asks as he looks over at me. He had carried on looking around.

"Yeah, it looks great but it's a little out of my price range. Student life right." I say laughing.

"Don't worry about the price, just find one you like and I'll sort it." He says turning back around.

"No, Paul. These are ridiculously expensive to buy as a gift." I refuse his offer.

"Honestly, don't worry about it. It's no problem."


So, it is actually my birthday today🎉 I'm not really a birthday person so I don't plan on making big celebration plans, I'm just going to the cinema and out to eat with some friends😛

Hope you like the chapter, it's kind of a filler xx

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