The Fight

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Friday 6:45 a.m.

All five girls were getting up and ready to go to the one place they all disliked. One word that would send the devil into hiding. School. Even though each girl hated school, they went for one reason. To be with the other four girls. They were the best of friends. Inseparable since elementary school, yet they see each other everyday.

Each of these girls were going through problems of their own, yet they all knew the others problems and tried to help one another as best as they can. Two of the girls turned to smoking and the others dealt with it their own way.

7:25 a.m.

Yomaira and K'lee and Coraline had left their houses already as they live almost 5-10 minutes away from school. Aryn and Melody being lazy as they are were still getting ready for school and taking they're time for school even if they had no one to impress. At 7:40 Melody left her house and not long after Aryn left for school.

At the school the girls met up near the 200s hall and walked away to adventure around the school. As they were walking Melody and Coraline saw the guys they have a crush on. The strange thing is that both boys are cousins. Melody's crush is Jeremy. He is an emo, skater boy. She's never talked to him but they have each other for the 1st period of the day. She absolutely loves his hair and the fact that he wears beanies makes him all the more attractive to her.

Coraline's crush is Antonio, but he's known to the group of girls as Beanie Boy. He wears beanies almost everyday hence the nickname Beanie Boy. As the girls were walking by them, Klee decided she wanted to be funny and shove Coraline into Antonio. As she was pushed into him, Antonio caught her with one arm around her waist and the other behind her back. "Sorry," she apologized, "I-I wa-wasn't looking where I wa-was walking." Antonio wasn't paying attention to what she was saying, he was too busy staring into her chocolate brown eyes. When his friend Xavier called out his name, he finally spoke. "It's totally fine" he said to her. Aryn and Yomaira coughed to finally get their minds back on earth. Tony put her feet back on the ground. Melody and Klee grabbed onto Coralines arms and dragged her away while she was still looking at Tony. The girls, other than Coraline, yelled, "BYE LOVERBOY!" as they walked away.

The bell soon rang to head to their first class of the day that Aryn, Yomaira and Melody had together while the rest of the girls had other classes to attend. As they entered their first period, the girls noticed Jeremy sitting with a girl that they've seen talking to him a lot recently. Aryn turned to Melody, who was silently tearing up, and said "Don't you dare let that boy get to you! He isn't worth your tears!" So Aryn and Yomaira dragged Melody far away from where Jeremy and the girl, known to them as Christie, were sitting and sat in three desks placed in the left back corner of the room. They watched as the movie they had left off on in Biology. Despicable Me. Aryn loved that movie and made the girls watch it all the time, at her house on the weekends. While Melody was on her phone most of the time, trying to distract herself from looking at Jeremy and Christie. Yomaira loved watching the movie or any kind of thing that doesn't require her to do any work even if she is a nerd. But she dislikes biology the most of all her classes.

4th period

The girls met up outside the hall that their classroom is in to walk altogether to class. Klee and Coraline were the first to arrive, and 10 seconds later the other three were seen running down the hallway. As students noticed the five girls, they moved out of the way because they knew what was coming. Everyday before fourth period starts, the girls see one another and run to meet each other in the middle, pushing people out of the way as they go. "It's surprising they never get tired of the same thing every day" Klee heard a voice say as they walked into class. She told the girls what she heard and the five girls turned around to find the voice. As they found who the voice belonged to, Melody's facial expression turned cold. Coraline walked up to the girl who happened to be Christie, the girl who Jeremy likes.

Let me explain who Christie is to us. She used to be friends with all of us but then one day she stopped talking to us, and eventually started hanging out with the kids that she supposedly didn't like. She turned her back on us for popularity. Which shows she wasn't a true friend.

Coraline said to her, " why don't you just leave us alone already. We sure as hell don't want to talk to you and we don't want you in our lives!" Once she said that Christie had gotten angry with the girls. Christie slapped Coraline, so Aryn threw her bag to the floor and punched and kicked Christie. Melody pulled Aryn off but when she did, Klee jumped right onto her and tried to finish the job. Coraline pulled her off and Yomaira jumped on and punched and slammed Christies face into the wall. Too late for them to get to class, a cop showed up and took the five girls to the Principal's office and walked Christie to the nurse to be checked if she needed to go to the hospital.

As they were in the Principal's, the girls looked at one another and busted out laughing. "Did you see her face!?" Yelled Melody. "That was totally freaking awesome!!" Exclaimed Yomaira. They were sitting laughing and talking about what happened when the principal came and entered the room. The girls shut their mouths right away as they saw her walk into the room. Coraline and Melody looked as if they were the ones who were about to be expelled, while the three others looked as if they had saved the planet from human extinction. The lady of the school called all five girls into her office separately and asked for their side of the story. As the girls told their similar stories, the principal decided that Klee, Aryn and Yomi were to have a punishment that would suit their actions.

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