Jeremy talks to us!?

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As the girls told their similar stories, the principal decided that Klee, Aryn and Yomi were to have a punishment that would suit their actions.

As the three girls walked out of the office they were bombarded with questions. "What'd she say?" "What's gonna happen?" "What's the punishment?" "TELL US WHAT SHE SAID!!" Melody and Coraline began yelling questions at the girls. But can you blame them? They want to know if they will lose their best friends to another school and it's still only Freshman year. They believed they would be together till college, when they can buy a house of their own, and have their adventures last for a very long time.

"We're not expelled We can say that." Said Yomaira. "Yeah, we only have ISS." Added Aryn. "But only for a week, so you won't have to worry." Finished Klee. "At least it's the weekend right?" Sighed Coraline, "So we can do lots of things till we have come back to school and you guys to go to ISS." With that, the five best friends walked down the hall together to head back to class. As they entered the class Melody noticed Christie sitting in the back with her group of sluts with pieces of dry blood on her face. She nudged Coraline and pointed at Christie, and both girls busted out laughing. The class turned to look at them, and they shut up right away. With a few giggles coming out here and there, they walked back to the five desks they pushed together earlier in the week. No one ever dares to go sit in them because they were scared of the girls and what the girls could do.

After sitting through the boring History class, the bell finally rang to go to lunch. They waited inside the class room until they knew the hallways weren't as crowded as usual. They walked out of the classroom and into the empty hallway, and towards the cafeteria. On the way people came up to them saying how awesome they were and hi-5ed them for Klee, Yomi and Aryn for the 3 against 1 fight they just had. "Shouldn't you guys be expelled or something?" Christie's friend Ashley asked. She had just walked up to them and had already begun talking shit. "Shouldn't you be with that bitchy leader of yours? Or did she dump your sorry ass for another one of her sluts?" Asked Aryn. "FYI Christie had to go home because of you! Her crush was gonna ask her out today but you guys came and ruined it for her! And Melody I hope you know Jeremy saw the entire thing. I wonder how he thinks about you now after what your friends did to her."

Aryn apologized to Melody because of their actions but Melody didn't care about that. She believed that she could possibly never have a chance with Jeremy anytime in the future. Coraline wanted to help her friend to stop crying and decided to take action. *SMACK* Ashlie's face turned redder than a tomato. "Oh shit! Let's go!!" Yelled Klee. The girls wanted to get away before they could actually get into more trouble than they already had. As they were running Aryn and Klee ran into poles on the way to the cafeteria. They got back up and continued running yelling, "who put those there anyway!?" The girls ran into the cafeteria, and went straight to the snack line. After getting almost $5 worth of snacks they went outside into the courtyard. And went to their spot.

They came to their little spot of shade and sat down. After a while melody walked away to go talk to her friends Violet, Wendy and May. As she walked away, Jeremy watched her to make sure she wasn't going back to the other 4 girls for a while.

"Guys, I think Ashley made Melody upset." Coraline was the first to speak. Aryn said, "I think so too, I've never seen her so quiet." "Maybe we should talk to her about it. See if she's okay you know?" Klee suggested. "That's a good idea!" Told Yomi.

Just then they noticed a boy in a red beanie walk up to them. "The way you guys beat Christie's ass was awesome! I can't believe someone actually put that girl in her place!" The boy was Jeremy, Melody's crush.

Coraline just had to know something. "Weren't you gonna ask her to be your girlfriend? Why are you talking bad about her? Aren't you two like in love or something?" She asked.

"Girlfriend? Look I don't know where she came up with that but I don't even like her, she's annoying and mean and clingy. She keeps talking about what would happen in our future WHEN we get married. I wouldn't want to date anyone like her. I was thinking about asking out your friend Melody. And Coraline, just letting you know, Antonio likes you too don't ask how I know this because I see the way you look at him, he looks at you the exact same way." Coraline was speechless. Her crush likes her. Now all she needs is for him to talk to her, and eventually ask her out. Before she could ask Jeremy to talk to him, she noticed Melody walking back to the group.

As she walked back to her friends she noticed them talking to another person who she did not recognize. As she was walking up, the stranger turned around. She saw his face and froze in her steps the guy she liked was talking with her friends. 'What if he's saying that he hates all of us because of the fight?' 'What if he's telling the girls to stay away from his new girlfriend' Melody was thinking of reasons why he was there as she began walking again. As he was looking at her she avoided eye contact and quietly walked passed him to her bag to get her phone and sit down. Yomaira and Aryn noticed her quietness and walked over and sat down with her.

"You know Jeremy doesn't hate you or any of us right? He came over to tell us that he didn't like christie ever and that he was amazed someone could actually beat her ass instead of backing away like a coward." Yomaira told her. Aryn added, "yea and I'm supposed to be the quiet one here not you. So why can't you just talk to him? He's just another guy." Melody waited a few seconds and whispered to the girls. "To you guys he's just another guy, to me he's a guy that I have a crush on and a guy like him won't want to talk to a girl like me. Also I don't talk to him because I feel like I will say something that will embarrass myself in front of him. And I'm scared if I do he will never like me and think I'm a stalker."

"Well now is your chance to stop being scared and talk to him. Just act like you're having a conversation with a boy version of one of us or something." Yomaira replied. "Why would I talk to him?" Melody asked. "Because he's coming this way to talk to you." Aryn stated. As Melody looked up she realized Aryn was right, Jeremy was walking straight towards the three girls who were sitting down. Yomi and Aryn stood up and walked to the other girls as Jeremy sat next to Melody. He looked at her and simply said, "Hey."

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