Pillow Fight

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Coraline walked over and closed the door. "Well she's nice for letting strangers come into her home like that." She said turning back to us.

"I say it's kinda strange, don't you think?" Yomi asked.

I thought about it and realize that it is a bit strange she just let us into her house like that.

"It may be strange, but let's at least use the opportunity while we have it."

I picked up my bag and walked into the hallway that had a bunch of doors. I stopped in front of two glass doors. I turned the knobs and pushed the doors open. The room had light blue walls and a purple comforter on top of a king sized bed with 5 pillows at the head. A red brown couch was pushed against one of the four walls, a brown desk opposite it, a walk in closet and a flat screen across from the bed.

I walked over to a door next to the walk-in closet and opened it. In front of me was the biggest bathroom id ever seen. There was a bathtub and a shower. Tiled floors, a perfectly white sink with a mirror connected to it. It was just amazing. I placed my bag down and started the shower.

Aryn's POV

It was crazy that this girl just let us into her house without even knowing us. I don't know why she did it but I will find out.

"Melody is too trusting. What if this girl, 'Miley', if that's even her name. What if she is calling the cops because she recognizes us. From the news!" I started pacing back and forth.

Coralline tried to calm me down. "Aryn, maybe she is just really nice and you're overreacting." She rubbed my arm.

I glared at her hand and she pulled it away slowly.

"Maybe Cora is right Aryn. Maybe she really is nice." Yomi said to me.

I threw my hands in the air from frustration.i sighed, annoyed that they weren't listening to me. "Fine. Whatever. Let's go shower and get food. I've been wanting food anyways."

I began to walk away but turned back. "But don't complain when she turns out to be evil and tries to kill all of you." I pointed a finger and walked to the bathroom.


Melody's POV

I was straightening my hair at the moment. I had on blue jean shorts and a black WWE shirt with the sides cut low. I had an undershirt under it so nothing was showing.

When I finished and had my hair perfectly straight, I walked out into the living room where Aryn was sitting on the couch. She was watching the news for some reason. I sat down next to her and noticed what was being shown. Surprisingly, we weren't on it. But two boys around our age were being shown. They had robbed a bunch of stores and a few banks, and they were not seen since. That was three days ago.

"Wonder what they stole that is making them have to be shown on the news." I said to Aryn keeping my eyes on the screen that was showing the twin boys side by side. They both had black/brown hair and jet blue eyes. I laughed a bit to my self.

"What are you laughing at now?"

I shifted my body toward Yomi and sighed. "I was just thinking how those boys lives are like ours. Having to run away and not be able to stay in the same place." I stated.

Coraline walked in as I finished my sentence. "What if we bring them with us? Like we find them and add them to this little group we have. We're all trying to get away from the police aren't we?"

"We could be like the most wanted gang out there!" Yomi yelled.

Aryn grabbed a pillow beside her and threw it at her. Too late Yomi threw herself into the floor. She jumped back up, "You missed loser!" And stuck her tongue out.

I grabbed another pillow and threw it at her while she was distracted. It hit her in the stomach. "Bullseye!" I threw my fist in the air and cheered.

"Didn't miss that time huh?" I stuck my tongue out at her like she did to Aryn.

Yomi trying to mock me did the same thing but looked weird as she did it. It was so amazingly weird that I cannot describe it. I was a bit freaked out so I pulled my tongue back in slowly and turned back to the TV.

"As much as I would love to continue this pillow fight we have going on. I don't want to." I turned to Aryn, "Aryn, I don't know if the girls' idea is a good one or not. But maybe we should consider adding those boys to the group."

She groaned and threw her body into the rest of the couch. I grabbed the remote, turned off the tv and stood up and walked to the door.

"Let's go. I want food and I'm pretty sure you guys are starving just as much as I am." Right when I said the word food, Aryn was out the door and in the passengers seat of our hummer.

I looked at her weirdly wondering how she got their so quickly when I realized we weren't just normal teenagers. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud honking noise. I looked at the hummer and saw her hitting the wheel.

'What am I going to do with her?' I shook my head and held the door open for the other two girls. A few seconds later, Yomi and Coraline walked outside and I closed the door. I grabbed the key from under the mat and locked the door. I put the key back in its place and walked to my best friends who were waiting to leave to the restaurant for food.

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