Almost Arrested

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"Yes we will, if Aryn and I are going I'm dragging you two with us. And call Klee so her and Kenneth can come with us." She said.


Kenneth came to the house and dropped Klee off so us girls could get ready together. We were all going through Aryn's closet looking for something to wear. I bet your wondering do you all wear the same size. No we do not wear the same size we each have sections in the others closet from every time we went over and left clothes. As we were looking, we heard a knock on the door.

"Who's that?" Coraline asked.

"Wait don't you two still have Oliver Sykes downstairs in the basement?" Klee asked.

We heard Aryn's TV that we forgot was on say, "The police are at the house where Oliver Sykes from the band Bring Me The Horizon was last heard from. Oliver called his friend and bandmate Matt Kean and told him he was stuck in a basement by two girls who kidnapped him. He also said they may have acquaintances helping them keep him inside as he heard more that two girls' voices."

We looked at each other and Aryn and Yomi ran out the bedroom door and to the basement yelling "Crap!" The three of us heard loud bangs on the door and also made a dash for the front door. We stopped just in front of it and I looked at the girls behind me.

"Maybe it's not the police, maybe it's someone we know." I suggested.

A voice outside the door spoke, "it's the police!"

"Okay, maybe they don't know we're here." Coraline stated.

"We know you're right in front of the door!"

Klee spoke, "What if they don't know that the girls kidnapped Oli."

"We know you girls kidnapped Oliver Sykes. If you could give him back that would be fantastic!" We heard a voice say.

"Just stop talking you two!" I yelled as I walked to the door. I looked out the peep hole and saw other members from Bring Me The Horizon and a few policemen. Behind them were a bunch of new reporters with huge cameras. I turned back around and looked at the girls with a scared look on my face. "So the bad news is I have a feeling we're gonna be arrested, but the good news is that we're gonna be on tv." I told them with my voice shaking.

"Well that's just fabulous!"

"Oh shut up! We're not the ones who kidnapped him anyway! It was the girls!"

"But their still our best friends and we're all in this together no matter what!" I yelled at the two girls who began screaming at each other. A smirk appeared on my face. I turned around locked all of the locks on the door and ran to the back door and locked them as quietly as I could. I walked back to the girls and grabbed their hand and we tiptoed to the basement doors.

We walked in and saw the girls tying up Oliver, who looked scared and tried to scream for help when he saw us but had tape over his mouth. I walked up behind the girls and whispered, "we gotta go! The cops are here and I don't know about you guys but I don't feel like getting arrested today."

We grabbed the girls and left the basement to Aryn's room. We opened our secret vault in her room which is where we store our money that we've collected over the years. Coraline and Klee grabbed gym bags and started stuffing everything from the vault into it, while Aryn and I started packing clothes into a suitcase. Yomi had to keep a lookout just in case of someone comes in.

When we all finished which took about 5 mins I saw Yomi was gone. "Where's Yomi at?" I went to the hallway and saw her looking out the window.

I stood next to her. "They're doing interviews, that's why they haven't came inside yet. I thought they would barge right in, arrest us and take Oli back." She told me.

"Yea you would think so. Come on let's get going, I hope you have running shoes we're gonna have a lifetime of running to deal with." I put my arm around her shoulders and he walked back to the room. "Everyone ready?" I asked. A chorus of 'Yeahs' were heard. "Let's get going."

Coraline's POV

We were on the second floor and we couldn't walk out through the front or back door. I noticed Aryn's bow and arrows, and grabbed them. "Go downstairs and get in the hummer, I'll take care of the press and police."

"You sure?" Aryn asked.

"Hell yea."

The grabbed the bags and went downstairs. I grabbed a mask, went to the hallway window and opened it. I got the bow and arrow ready, news reporters now had their cameras fixed on me.

"Come on, all that archery as a girl has to pay off today." I said to myself. I aimed for any tire on a police car and fired, I did that till each police car and news van had a tire blown out. I grabbed the rest of the arrows and ran to the garage. I hopped in the car and threw the weapon into the back.


*sorry for the slow updates. I guess I forgot to write while reading through so many Fanfics and now I'm writing two of my own, so I'm juggling three stories right now. Forgive me please? And thanks to the girls in this story for actually reminding me to update more often. Love you all!*

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