The Boyfriend Club

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*Pic is the waiter, Tony who is cute as hell might I add cx ID MARRY HIM IF I COULD*

Melody's POV

'Jake and Adrian are hiding something from us. Mostly Jack though.' I heard Aryn's voice in my head.

I looked at her, 'reading people's minds without them knowing is an invasion of privacy.' I thought to her.

'But I had to do it! He's really protective over you.' She told me teasingly.

I blushed and pushed my head further towards my menu. 'Stop it!' I picked my head up to playfully glare at her.

Coraline looked at us like she knew what we were doing. I mouthed to her, 'Tell you later.'

She nodded in understanding. I looked over the menu once more before deciding what I wanted. Silence fell upon our table but was soon cut off by the waiter coming back to our table with our drinks on a tray.

He placed the tray in the middle of the table and pulled out his notepad to take our orders. *I have no idea what it's called so we're calling it a notepad.*

"What would you guys like?" He asked us.

Aryn looked up, "Uh, I'll just have pancakes, eggs, sausage, and bacon." She told him placing her menu on the table.

He smiled at her and wrote the order down. When he smiled we heard a low but very faint growl coming from Adrian's mouth.

Us girls laughed at him and Aryn held his hand.

Klee and Coraline ordered the same thing. "Eggs and bacon." They were still laughing at the little puppy dog who was being protective of the girl he likes.

Yomi ordered next, "I'll have pancakes and sausage and bacon."

He looked at me. Just as I was about to speak, Adrian and Jack spoke.

"We'll have the same as her." They pointed at Yomaira. Yet again, Jack was glaring at the waiter.

Kenneth spoke up after. "I'll have the same as my girlfriend." He kissed Klee's cheek and put an arm around her.

"Can I order now? Or is someone gonna order anything else?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Actually I wou-" Jack tried to speak.

"Shut up stupid!" Cora yelled at him. I looked at her and slightly laughed.

"What would you like?" He asked me. I looked at his name tag. He put emphasis on the word you.

'Shoulda done that a long time ago.' I thought to myself.

"Order you idiot!" Aryn said to me.

"Jesus! Chill out! Okay. Okay. I will. Well, Tony, I'll have waffles, eggs, and sausage." I told him. Putting emphasis on his name, possibly to annoy Jack even more than he is already.

He just nodded and finished writing down our orders. We put all of our menus at the end of the table for him to pick up. He grabbed all of them but dropped them.

"Let me help you with that." I told him being nice. I have to say, yes he is fine as hell! But I like Jack.

Jack's POV

Once Melody volunteered to help him, I stepped in.

"No!" They looked at me weird. 'Crap'

"You should stay here. With your friends. I'll help him out." I said quickly.

She gave me a strange look. "Sure, if it's okay with you?" She asked Tony. His name was just stupid. Sounds like a fuckboy's name.

Aryn laughed really loud. We looked at her like she was crazy. She cleared her throat and started talking to my brother.

Tony looked at me, "Yeah totally fine with me. If it's not a problem?"

"Nope! No problem at all." I picked up the menus and the both of us walked away.

We came up to a little stand that was holding the other menus in it. We were begging a wall now, I grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him against it.

"Woah dude. What are you doing? What did I do??" He asked.

"You know what you did!" I yelled in his face.

"No bro. Honestly I don't." He tried to reason.

"Don't play stupid with me. I can take you down easily." It was true. I'm 6' and he was maybe 5'7".

"I was jut talking to a beautiful girl! Is that a crime now a days? And what's up with your eyes?" He asked scared.

I shook my head and closed my eyes. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that." I let him down.

"It's all right man. It happens." He said patting my shoulder. "Well not being picked up and slammed against a wall. That hurt by the way."

I scoffed. "You don't know pain."

"Sure I do. Plenty of times before. Been bullied my whole life. Beaten every day." He shrugged his shoulders.

I realized I was being an ass to this kid I didn't even know. To add on he's been beaten and bullied. "That sucks."

"Really does."

Out of nowhere Kenneth and Adrian showed up. "There you are! We've been looking for you. What's taking so long?" Kenneth asked.

"Oh you know, being pushed up against a wall and yelled at. Same old same old." Tony said to him.

I mentally face palmed myself and my brother spoke up next. "Come on brother. You can't just hurt people when you feel like it."

I didn't answer him, just looked over to the table where Klee and Aryn were staring at us.

"Sorry about that." Kenneth said.

"Yeah, he can let his Temper get in the way."

I snapped my head over to my brother and glared at him. 'It's true isn't it?'

I ignored him and began walking back to the girls, my brother right beside me.

"Guys hold up! Come back here." Kenneth said lowly for us to hear.

We stopped and walked back to him. "What's up?"

"Ever heard of the boyfriend club?"

"The boyfriend club?" We said in unison.

"The Boyfriend Club. Anyways party of 1 and a half right now. You see Adrian is on his way to joining it. But you my friend," he pointed at me. "Are not. Melody may like you, but the last guy she liked screwed her over. So you need to prove that you are worthy enough of her. Can you do that?" He asked.

"Why doesn't he have to do anything?" I pointed towards Adrian.

"Because I'm good!" He scoffed at me.

"Cause Aryn knows right from wrong. Even if she may not act like it. Melody does too but no one screws over Aryn because Aryn will melt their balls off. Literally. Melody is more sympathetic towards people." He told me.

"So I have to prove to Melody th-"

"And the rest of the girls!" He added.

"And the rest of the girls. That I can treat Melody, the right way?"

"Yes exactly."

"Okay then." I continued walking to the table.

Adrian's POV

"So this boyfriend club. Is it real?" I asked.

"Nope. Not at all." He chuckled.

Wow my brother is an absolute idiot. I laughed and we walked after my brother.

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