Someone's watching us

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We were sitting on the couch watching a movie and Anna and her puppy came inside running.

"Anna no running in the house!" Aryn said to her daughter.

"She's just a child, let her do what she wants." Cora said taking a sip of her drink.

"Yeah, what if they track mud in or something?" Adrian said.

"Then you'll clean it up." I said my eyes still on the tv.

"Wait why me?!"

"Because you're the only one who cares about the mud." Aryn hit his head.

"Not my fault, I'm not the one who cleans this place." He huffed.

"You will be if you keep talking." Klee threatened.

"That's not fair!" He yelled.

"You know what, life's not fair. Deal with it!" Jack said from next to me.

"If you weren't my brother....."

"What? What will you do? I'm the stronger one anyway." Jack flexed.

"Yeah and us girls are stronger than you." I told him.

"No way."

"Hell yeah we are!" The girls yelled. I looked at him with an 'I told you so' face.

"What was that babe?" I asked smirking.

"Whatever. He turned back to the tv and stared at it.

"Where's Anna?" Yomaira asked looking around. Aryn and I got up and went to look for her. We found her by the huge Window next to the front door.

"Are you okay sweetie?" Aryn asked and Anna stayed quiet.

"Anna what's wrong?" I asked kneeling down next to her.

"Someone's watching." She pointed to a car on the opposite side of the street. I looked at Aryn and we both looked outside. She was right, two people were in a car with binoculars looking right at the house. I stood up slowly and closed the curtain.

"Who is that?!" Aryn exclaimed.

"Bad guys mommy. I saw them before at the bad place where everyone was." Anna explained to us.

"What we're they doing?" I asked her.

"They had a needle and we're putting something inside everyone." Aryn and I looked at each other and Aryn turned Anna to her.

"Anna, I need you to go tell everyone what you just saw, okay sweetie?" Aryn said to her.

She nodded and ran to the living room to warn the others. "So what do we do?" She asks me.

"I don't know. But If they wanna fight, we'll give them one." I said locking the door and we walked to the living room.

Unknown's POV

We sat across the street in our car. We were scouting where our extremely successful creations were. For once, we finally found out Where our first great creations were. Their kind had been getting too out of hand. One by one we've been taking out their kind. We're their makers. We brought their powers to them, we created them, and certainly, we can take them out. These five girls have been giving us a hard time by letting the ones in the containment center out into the world.

"What if someone see's us?" My partner asked. He's new on the job, so I assumed he was gonna ask stupid questions.

"No ones gonna see us. We're totally invisible." I reassured him.

"Oh really? Tell that to the little girl in the window who can see us." He pointed and I followed his finger.

A little girl was looking at us, "That's one of the test subjects from back at the containment center. She wouldn't be by herself."

"What's she doing?" He asked me. I saw two girls talking to her.

"Those are two of the first creations. They're stronger than all of the new ones put together." I explained. The one who's called Melody closed the curtains as she started at us.

"Do you think their on to us?" My partner asked.

"I don't know."

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