New Partners in Crime

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We were about halfway to iHop and the car was silent.

Aryn reached for the radio and turned it on.

"Because I'm happ-"

"Nope." She said.

"I was like Baby, Ba-"

"Hell no!" Yomi yelled from the backseat.

"Watch me whip, watch me Nae-"

"Definitely no!" Coraline stated and reached to turn the radio off. Aryn smacked her hand away. She changed it again but what we heard made her take her hand away from the radio really fast. Like she was being burned.

"Five girls who kidnapped singer Oliver Sykes and harrassed officers to get away after they had been caught in the act. Their last reported location was in Corpus Christi, Texas. These girls are fugitives and classified as dangerous. Anyone harboring then will be arrested as an accessory to escapement. If anyone has seen or spoke to the 5 girls known as Melody Sanchez, Aryn Kait , Coral-"

I turned the radio off and we all sat in silence as we pulled up to the restaurant for food.

"So we made it onto the news. Bad thing is that. How are we suppose to get inside without people recognizing us?" I asked.

"Maybe they didn't show our pictures. Maybe they only announced it on the radio."Coraline suggested. I shrugged my shoulders and opened my door. The girls soon followed my actions, we closed our doors and walked up to the entrance.

"Here's the moment of truth you guys." Yomi said opening the doors.

We walked in like we were the queens of the world. We noticed Miley behind a cash register helping a customer. She noticed us and Coraline waved slightly at her. The lady had finished paying and stepped outside the door.

As we were walking to her Yomi stopped and stood in place with her eyes blank.

"What's going on?" Aryn asked. We ran up to her and waved our hands in front of her face.

"Yomi? Yomi! Yomaira!" Aryn grabbed her arms and began to shake her. A second later she she snapped out of her trance and started blinking. She looked at us for a second with wide eyes and made a dash for the door.

I didn't wait to follow her outside. We were all outside and saw the lady, who had just finished paying, walking to her car. I heard a car coming in our direction. Fast. I knew what was gonna happen. Coraline used her speed and pushed the woman out of the way. Yomi used her force field just in time for Coraline not to be hit by the car.

Once the car was stopped, Coraline let out a sigh of relief and ran and jumped on Yomi. She practically suffocated her into a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She screamed.

I let them have their moment and walked over to the lady we just saved. "Are you okay ma'am?" I asked her politely.

"Yes! I'm fine. What about those people in the car?its smoking and leaking gas." She pointed to the car.

I smelled the air and smelled gas.

"Oh crap!" I said.

I jumped up and ran to the car. I pulled open the drivers door and Aryn did the same to the passenger's door. We grabbed the two people in the car and pulled them out before the car could explode.

"Yomi! Cora! Take the car into the desert or somewhere far away from here! Now!" Aryn yelled as the two of us pulled the two boys away from the car. The girls nodded their head and grabbed the car and disappeared.

10 seconds later they came back and the 4 of us surrounded the boys who almost killed the woman. They looked very familiar with their black/brown hair and jet blue eyes. Aryn and Coraline pushed the boys chest down with their shoes.

"Say your names!" Yomi said with her arms crossed. They stayed silent. I pulled out my pocket knife.

"She said, Say. Your. Names. I suggest you listen." I told them. They stayed quiet still, so I bent down and grabbed the older, cuter looking  brother's arm. I put the blade to his arm but was stopped by Yomaira's hand on my wrist stopping me.

"He's different from us. His brother too. They have a power. But I just can't tell what it is." She spoke.

"Only one way to find out." Aryn said. She grabbed the blade from my hand and sliced it across his skin.

He hissed out in pain but the cut was soon covered up by new skin.

"It healed." Coraline said shocked. She grabbed the boy she was holding down.

"What are you?!" She asked angrily, turning her eyes a gray/blue.

He spoke up. "My name is Adrian, and this is my older brother Jack. And we're werewolves." He said to us.

Aryn sent me a mind message. 'Adrian is cute. I'm not gonna lie.'

I busted out laughing and almost fell to the ground from lack of air. The older brother, Jack, growled and flashed his werewolf teeth at me.

I stopped laughing immediately, ran at him, and pinned him to the ground.

"Growl at me again and I'll take you to the puppy pound. Got it? Dog." I practically growled at him. He pushed me off and glared at me but gave a simple nod.

"Good." Aryn said.

"So who are you guys?" Adrian asked looking at each of us.

Coraline's POV

"Ever heard of those girls who kidnapped the famous guy, Oliver Sykes?" I asked the youngest of the twins.

"I have. Kidnapping and taking down officers. That's intense. I wish I woulda seen that." Jack said staring at Melody who was looking around to see if anyone noticed anything.

"Well that's us." Aryn snapped at him.

"Aryn. Calm down." I told her in a calming voice.

"You're Aryn?" Adrian asked.

"Yes I am." She said confidently.

"So you guys are part of that group of girls aren't you?" Jack asked.

"Yeah I'm Coraline, and this is Aryn, as you know already. That's Yomi who, with Aryn, kidnapped Oliver Sykes. And lastly Melody. We're missing our 5th member K'Lee because she's out with her boyfriend Kenneth trying to find a temporary house for us to stay in." I said to the boys.

"Do they really need to know that?" Yomi asked me.

"You're the one who wants to take them in and add them to the group, right?" Melody asked.

"Well yeah but-" Adrian cut her off.

"You wanted us to join you guys?" He asked no one in particular. Then leaned closer to Aryn and whispered, "Why? We're werewolves."

Jack leaned towards Mel, "Kinda dangerous don't cha think?" He smirked.

I'm starting to get the idea that he likes her. I wonder if she actually likes him back. Sometimes she'll be upfront and obvious about it but other times it will take a while to understand her or she ignores it.

I saw her bend down towards Jack, "So are we."

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