Baby Genders

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Melody's POV

Its been a month. A month since I left my Friends. Isaac and I have just found a place where the people who killed his fiance are hiding out. Lately we've been getting close, a relationship kind of close. But we're both still caring about the person we loved before.

When we arrived at the place, we ran in, guns blazing. I didn't see any sign of Jake, trust me I wanted to look for him more but Isaac wanted to leave. So here we are back on the road. I'm going home and he's going who knows where. I didn't bother to ask him even though we're getting close.

"Now what?" He asked me.


"Now what are we going to do?" He asked again.

"I'm going back home. To my family. My niece, my sisters, my brothers." I sighed happily. He had a sad look in his eyes. "You know, if you want, you could come join us." I suggested.

He brightened up. "Really!?" He cleared his throat, "really?" I laughed and nodded.

"Definitely, if you're okay with kids running around that is." He looked at me confused.

"I thought you said niece as in singular. One. Una."

"Yeah but sometimes surprises happen and we have no idea who comes along." I placed a hand on my stomach. The baby bump was starting to show now. It's barely been two months but I guess since the baby is a hybrid, it grows faster.

"Woah woah woah!! You're pregnant!?" He yelled. I thought he was mad at the fact that I'm going to have a baby at a young age. "You're pregnant and you went with me, GUNS BLAZING, into a place where you could've died!?!" He pulled over the car. "What's wrong with you woman! What about the baby?!" I suddenly felt a wave of calm flood the car and Isaac was relaxed.

"What was that?"

"I guess the baby doesn't want you to be mad." I giggled. He smiled a bit at my stomach and started the car back up and we drove for about another hour until we came upon a small town.

I looked at him. "You in the mood for Mexican or what?" He laughed and got out of the car.

I followed him still confused on what the hell was going on. He held the door open for me and I entered the restaurant. It wasn't really busy but it wasn't very packed. A woman her her late 40s came up to us and pulled Isaac into a hug. "Mi niño!" She cried.

I laughed a bit as he hugged her back. "Mom, I want you to meet someone." He pulled my arm and twirled me until I was right next to him. "This is Melody." She looked me up and down and then pulled me into a warm hug. It was awkward at first but I hugged her back. She was really nice.

"Well Melody, welcome to my restaurant." She had a slight accent. "Eat all you want, it's on the house!" She smiled brightly at me and I did the same.

"Thank you! That's alright though I don't eat that much." I looked at my shoes.

"That's a lie." Isaac looked at his mom. "She's eating for two. Load her up." She nodded and ran back to the kitchen. I smacked his arm. "What?"

"Did you have to tell her?" I asked him annoyed.

"Yes. You can't keep secrets from that woman. She'd beat me." He joked.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. He grabbed my hand and led me to a small booth in the back of the restaurant. A girl around the age of 10 came over to us. "Isaac!!" She jumped on him.

"Hey little munchkin. I missed you! How've you been?" He picked her up and sat her on his lap. "Melody, this is my little sister Amber. Amber this is my friend Melody." I waved at her and smiled a little and she hopped off of her brother and made her way to me.

"What are you going to name them?" She asked putting a hand on my stomach. I coughed.


"The babies. What are you going to name them?"

"Do You know what they are?" I asked her.

"She has this gift or whatever. She can tell when a person is pregnant, how many there are and the genders." He explained.

She rubbed my stomach and told me the gender of the babies. Isaacs mom came over to us with a plate of enchiladas and a plate of bean and cheese and bacon tacos. I thought they were for Isaac but she placed them both in front of me.

"Order up!" My mouth was watering. Why?

"Dig in sweetheart. It's good to eat." She said. "I'm sorry, was Amber bothering you?" She asked concerned.

"No not at all. Thanks to Amber I now know the gender of my babies. Makes it easier to find out names." I smiled and the two girls walked away. I pulled my phone out of my pocket. "I should call the girls."

I got up and went outside. The wind was blowing where it was cold but not freezing. I called Aryn and she picked up after the first ring.

A- Melody! Where are you?! Are you okay?!
M- Hey! Oh my god! I miss you guys! How are you?
A- Idiot! Don't ask how we are! How are you!? Where are you?
M- I have no idea actually. I'm in some town with Isaac. We stopped to eat dinner and apparently he lives here.
A- Did you find anything on Jake?
M- Nope. Nada. But I did find out the gender of the babies.
A- What are they?
M- It's a surprise. I wanna tell you all in person.
A- When will you be back?
M- I have no idea. Soon though I promise. I gotta go. I'll see you later.

I hung up the phone and went back inside to eat the dinner that Isaac's mom made for the babies and I.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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