Day 1 of our new lives

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I woke up to the smell of something burning. I immediately jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen, Aryn was trying to make breakfast but let me say she failed completely. I saw her trying to turn everything off and a little fire in the pan with bacon. How that happened I have no idea, I grabbed the fire extinguisher and pulled the pin and turned it to the fire. A few seconds later the fire was out and Aryn let out a sigh of relief.

"Why didn't you just wake me up if you wanted food?" I asked her.

"Cause I wanted to make food this time. And I want bacon." She said innocently.

I shook my head and pushed her out of the kitchen, "go watch tv or something, I'll make food. You know what go wake up the other girls." She grabbed a pillow from the couch and a spray bottle and ran upstairs. I had no idea what she was going to do and I did not want to know.

I began fixing and cooking the food and soon enough, I had eggs, bacon, pancakes, and tacos ready to eat. The girls all came downstairs dressed for the day and grabbed what they were going to eat. Once they sat down I went upstairs to get dressed, I put on a baby blue John Cena shirt, with black high-waisted shorts and navy blue vans. I walked downstairs, filled a plate of food and sat with the girls at the table.

"So I have something to ask you all....." I trailed off.

"What is it?" Yomi asked.

"Yeah what happened?" Aryn questioned.

"It's about Hayes isn't it?" Coraline assumed.

"It probably is with that look on her face." Klee said. They all looked at me and laughed, I put my head down on the table and sighed.

"Shut up." I picked my head up, "Yes It is about Hayes. He wants to go out but doesn't want me to leave you guys, so he suggested we go on a group date thingy." They looked at each other and then at me. "You guys up for it?" I asked them.

"Yes!" They said simultaneously. I did a little victory dance and ran upstairs to get my phone. I unlocked it and clicked on messages. I saw I had a text from Hayes and an unknown number. I opened Hayes' text first.

'Good morning, I hope you slept well. Let me know what the girls say because I already have a day planned out for us.'

I texted him back, 'Good morning, I talked to the girls and they said that it was totally fine we all hung out. Can't wait!'

I opened the unknown number's text. 'Stay away from Hayes and the guys and we'll get along just fine.'

Not gonna lie I was a tiny bit scared of the text so I just ignored it but I didn't delete it. I walked down the stairs and laid across the girls who took up the whole couch. A few seconds after I laid down I was pushed off. "OWWW! That does hurt you know!"

"Then don't lay on us just to get pushed off!" Yomi laughed.

"Hardy har har you buttnugget." I stuck my tongue out at her. She did the same thing back to me.

"Stop being kids." Coraline said to us, "Melody where are we suppose to meet him?"

"Oh uh, I don-" my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out, I saw a text from Hayes. 'Meet us at the beach. Same spot as last night. We're gonna swim!'

"To the beach we go!" I got up and ran to put my bathing suit on.


We arrived at the beach and the girls ran to the water. I walked up to Hayes and sat next to him. "You know I'm really gonna miss this place." I sighed.

He turned to me, "Why? What do you mean?"

"The girls and I are just gonna travel around the country, you know? A best friend road trip." I threw my hands up in the air. "Yay!"

"So Madison told me something earlier. But I want to know if it's true or not because I don't think it is." He turned around and was facing me. "Did you and your friends really kidnap that guy Oliver?"

I looked at him shocked, how did he know? Wait no how did Madison know? I gave him a confused look. "Where'd she hear that?"

He looked at me like I was stupid. "Don't give me that crap! It was on the news! She saw it and called me! How could you not tell me?" He was practically yelling in my face.

"I didn't know how you would react! Oh my gosh! Okay I really like you and I didn't want you to think of me like some stalker! But yes my friends kidnapped that guy not me! I'm protecting them like a real friend should! You know Madison sent me a text? Huh? Did she tell you that!" I felt my phone buzz again.

'You better not tell Hayes or I will call the cops on you!' I showed the message to him. "Do you know this number? Cause it's been threatening me all day and I can't stand it!"

"That's Madison's number. Okay so what? Maybe she's trying to protect me from you! You didn't even get this text till today anyway, we met last night!"

"But she sent it didn't she? She was giving me dirty looks all last night! God! I can't even believe I liked you! Jerk!" I stood up and walked to the shore. "Girls lets go!" He walked up to me.

"I'm sorry I had to do this." He said sadly.

"Do what?" He pulled out handcuffs and put them around my wrists.

"What is this!? What are you doing!? Get these damn things off of me!" Too late sirens were heard in the distance. I looked at him in disbelief. "I can't believe you would do this! Why? How could you?! You son of a bit-"

He cut me off, "I really like you but what you're a fugitive and so are your friends. You all need to go to jail for kidnapping it's just not right." He looked at me and then kissed me. When he pulled away I started crying.

The girls were already at the shore and they saw the handcuffs around my wrists. Their eyes went wide and the ran towards me. Coraline jumped on Hayes and pinned him down. Klee ran up and Disintegrated the handcuffs from my wrists and they melted into the sand. I looked at the boy who I liked and the look on his face showed he was scared as hell.

Yomi yelled, "the cops are coming you guys! We don't have time for this! Let's go!"

They ran to the car but I stood over Hayes, I touched his head with my hand and I went into his memories. I wiped his memories of us to girls with a blurry faces so he couldn't recognize any of us. I also wiped the part in his memories about knowing that we were fugitives. I saw police running up to me and I used my superhuman speed to run to the car. I hopped in and Aryn started the car. She drove us back to the resort and we ran in and grabbed everything we unpacked. We placed everything into the car and started to leave Corpus.

I was sitting in the passengers seat, we were driving past the beach. We passed by a couple walking from the beach I stared at them with envy. They didn't have anything to worry about except the sand they have in their clothes. While we have to worry about not dying or getting caught. Soon enough I saw a 'Leaving Corpus Christi' sign and I sighed and turned on the radio. This was going to be a long drive to a new place outside of Texas.

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