Travel Buddies

13 1 17

*Pic of Isaac*

I woke up to bright lights and a beeping sound coming from next to my bed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes but my head was pounding. "You're awake?" I head a voice say.

Once my eyes adjusted I saw everyone in my room and a doctor and a nurse standing closest to me. "What happened?" I rubbed my head.

"You fainted." The nurse said. I glared at her.

"I know that. Why did I faint?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"We think it's because you had way too much stress going on, your body decided to shut down to keep your stress levels down." The doctor explained.

"So she'll be okay?" Adrian asked.

"We can't lose anyone else." Klee said walking up to me with Cora and Yomaira right behind her.

"We won't."


Melody's POV

I've been getting a ride with this guy named Isaac. Those people killed his fiancée, she was barely 19 years old and he is 20. They've been together since he was 16 and she was 15.

"We met in her freshman year and my sophomore year of high school. I saw her and I was like, 'wow why have I never noticed her before?' I was just thinking that and my friend Garrett decided he was gonna get her heart and then break it. There was no way that I was gonna let him do that. Before he could walk over to her, I ran over to her and accidentally bumped into her. Legit on accident. She dropped her books so I helped her pick them up and offered to show her around. After that, she hung out with me and my friends and soon after that we started dating. I was supposed to have moved away for a year after I graduate, but we had a long distance relationship. After a few months I came back and proposed to her because she kept telling me how this guy was flirting with her but she made it clear she wasn't interested." He paused for a second keeping his eyes on the road. "I proposed to her in the school's cafeteria. During her lunch. Of course she said yes but, I've never seen anyone happier than she was that day. When she said yes, the whole place blew up with cheers. I couldn't believe she said yes." He was smiling.

I admired him for it. "So you knew what she was?" I asked him.

He nodded, "yeah she had told me on our year anniversary. I didn't care though. I was just glad we didn't have any secrets."

"So you're fully human?" I asked.

"Yeah, sucks too. I couldn't do anything to help her. The guys were 10 times stronger than me." I saw his hands tighten around the steering wheel.

"Oh. Trust me being like us, it's worse than being a human. We're being hunted down almost 24/7. Sometimes we can't even control our powers. This life sucks. We may be strong and have Powers, but trust me. If I could leave this life behind I would." I leaned back in my seat looked out the window.

We sat in silence for a few minutes and Isaac spoke up, "anyways I'm starving. What about you?" He made his GPS track the nearest restaurant and give us directions to it.

We pulled up to a Mexican restaurant. "How'd you know I like this food?" I asked laughing.

"Who doesn't?" He laughed with me.

We got out of the car and walked to the door and he held the door open. "Why thank you my good sir." I said in a fancy accent.

He laughed and followed me inside. The place had a few people, some who seemed familiar and others who I haven't seen before in my life. All dressed up real nice. I took a breath and we walked over to a table in the middle of the room.

A waitress who looked like she was in her late 30s gave us menus. "What would you two like to drink?"

"I'll have a Sprit." Isaac said to her still looking at her menu.

"¿Y tu?" She said in Spanish looking at me. I turned away from two of the guys that were staring at me a few seconds earlier.

"Oh, I'll have a Coke." She walked away and my phone Dinged indicating that I had a text message.

I opened it, it was from Isaac.

I- Is everything okay?!

I looked up at him then at the two guys and back down at my phone.

M- I think those guys are staring at us.

I- Yeah most of the guys that I can see have been glancing over at you. Sometimes me, maybe they recognize our faces from somewhere.

That got me really nervous. What if they did? What if they take us captive. I looked at him and back at my phone. He bought me a new phone that his friend had fixed so people couldn't bug it and listen in and/or read my conversations. I decided to check in with my friends.

Adrian's POV

We were about to fall asleep, Aryn, Anna and I were in the same room with two queen sized beds, when Aryn's phone went off.

"Who's texting you it's like 1 in the morning. And everyone's asleep." I groaned.

She reached over and grabbed her phone. She saw who it was and jumped out of bed and screamed. Anna fell out of bed and screamed too. I ran over to help her falling myself. Klee, Kenneth, Tony, Cora and Yomaira came in the room.

"What happened?!" Kenneth said. He was holding our lamp.

"We're you really gonna protect us with a lamp if we were in danger?" I asked him. He placed it back down and cleared his throat.

"Forget the lamp! Melody texted me!!!!" The girls immediately ran over to her to see what she sent.

Aryn's POV

M- Hey girls! It's melody! I kinda got a new phone after everything happened. Yeah so. I met a friend, his names Isaac and he's gonna help me kill these sons of beaches. They killed his girlfriend who was just like us. So we got some revenge to take care of. I know it's probably late over there but I don't care. Anyways i wanted to say that I'm doing good and I miss you all and Anna like crazy. We're at a restaurant right now and I think the people who are here work for the government. Don't worry I'll be fine. Isaac here is human so he has more to worry about than I do. Love and miss you all! Xoxo

I read the text out loud to everyone and when Anna was mentioned she started asking when her aunt was gonna be back. "I don't know yet Anna." I said.

I read my writing out to everyone before we all agreed that it was a good message.

A- Melody! We're all here. Is Isaac cute? If the answer is yes then you should date him after all that's Happened and you're done with your mission or whatever. We all miss you too and Anna wants to know when you are gonna come back. I told her to be patient. If the governments people are there then you should get the hell out of there and to somewhere safe. Isaac would be human. Maybe we need some of those creatures in our life.

Melody's POV

The waitress brought over our food. I ordered enchiladas and Isaac ordered tacos. Loser. We made conversation and tried not to look suspicious to the guys watching. After about 20 minutes we finished and my phone made its noise showing my text message.

I picked up my phone but before I could read the message, a tranquilizer dart shot right in front of my face. Isaac and I jumped up and grabbed our phones and pulled guns out of our jeans. I started shooting at the guys who shot at us and it turned into a full out gun war. We made our way to the door and ran outside and into the car.

He started the car and he sped off with me still shooting at the people.

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