Hello Cute Guy

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We've been driving north for a few hours now because we decided that we should go to the one place Aryn wanted to go so badly. Maine. Again no idea why she wants to go there but we are because she wants to so we're gonna stop in states along the way and just enjoy our time together. After we're done in Maine we were gonna make our way to California. I've always wanted to go there and I think the others want to go too.

We were now somewhere in Oklahoma. We were waiting at a gas station to get more gas and some snacks. Klee, Coraline and I were standing outside the car while Aryn and Yomi were inside probably buying the whole store.

Klee was putting the gas in and Coraline and I were talking. "Mel? What are we gonna do? How are we gonna live, we can't travel in the car forever you know?"

I sighed, I've been doing that a lot lately. "Cora, I don't know. I really don't. But the cops are after us and we don't really have a house to stay at anymore." I shrugged my shoulders, "There's a chance we can find a house but we'd have to use our powers."

I wasn't big on using our powers in case of an emergency, but I was okay with Jasmine using it because I liked the guy who wanted the waves in the ocean.

Klee spoke up, "how bout we find a house? Like we all split up and someone finds a house. That way we can settle somewhere without having to keep traveling." She suggested.

"We have to talk about this as a group, but I'm totally okay with it." We just stayed and enjoyed when we heard a loud crash. We turned to look at the store but we saw bright lines in the corner of our eyes.

Aryn's POV

We pulled into the gas station that was practically in the middle of nowhere. It scared me to be honest but I just wanted food. Yomi and I jumped out of the car and ran in to buy stuff. We ran into the store and I ran to the drinks. I grabbed some Arizona, some Monsters, some teas and some Gatorade. I placed them on the counter where the guy was and I ran to a random isle.

"Jackpot!" I was in the candy isle. I grabbed five of each cause there are five of us in all. I put those on the counter too and ran to another isle. I passed Yomi and she had bags and bags of chips. We kept placing things onto the counter and the guy kept scanning items to the receipt. I went to the one isle we haven't been in, pickles. Melody is so in love with them for some reason. So I grabbed a couple couple of them for her, and again ran back to the counter. Yomi was putting everything into bags while the guy was still standing. When he finished I paid him with cash.

"That's a load of cash you got there." He said eyeing the money I pulled out from my bag.

I slowly put the rest of it away, "Yeah I guess."

"Mind if you share some with me?" He had a suspicious look in his eyes.

"You see I would but you're creepy and I need this money." I said grabbing as many bags as I could. I began walking out the store when a heard a click.

I turned around slowly and saw the guy pointing a gun at me. I was a bit surprised but I wasn't scared at all. "Ooooooh you have a gun! I'm sooooo scared!" I said waving my hands mockingly. He pointed it at me and put his finger on the trigger. I heard a Boom and I ducked out of the way. I changed my eye color and roared fire at him. I'm a fire breather it's what I'm best at. He ducked but I got the top of his head. Yomi and I grabbed the bags and ran out the now broken glass door and back to the car. We were a few feet away when we stopped abruptly and noticed a familiar truck parked behind our car.

Melody's POV

The truck parked right behind us and the door opened. The three of us stood in a protective stance in front of each other. A very familiar face was seen once he stepped out. We got out of our protective stance and stood up straight. We let out a sigh of relief and Coraline and I turned to the two girls who's hands were full of bags.

"Hello cute guy!" Klee said with a smirk and walked up to him. I scoffed and walked to two of my best friends. Coraline and I grabbed some of the bags and took them to the car.

"What are you doing here guy? You could get arrested just u being seen with us!" Coraline said.

"I had to see my favorite person in the world since she totally disappeared on me" he spoke.

"I'm sorry!!" Yomi said laughing and walking up to him with her arms out for a hug. Klee hip-bumped her and hit her head.

"He's mine woman back off!" She said jokingly and hugged him.

"Kenneth what are you doing here?" I asked him. He loosened their hug and looked at me.

"The cops are looking for you. Also you guys have your phones that they can track. I had to find you and tell you because they would've heard us talking over the phone." He said. We pulled out our phones and looked at them.

Yomi used her hacking skills and checked our phones. Sure enough they had trackers. I noticed Klee looking off into the distance. "Klee. What's up?"

"I hear cars. Tons of them. About 50 miles away and they'll be here in about 10 minutes." She said.

We looked at each other scared. Aryn took out phones and ran them to the bathroom. "Phones are gone."

Klee turned to Kenneth, "you and I are going to find a house that all of us can stay and lay low at." She opened our trunk and started taking her stuff, stiff for the kitchen and others that we didn't need right now and put them in his car. When she finished she closed his trunk and walked up to us. "5 minutes until they get here."

We hugged her and Kenneth and got in our car. They did the same and waved bye and we took off in opposite directions.

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