The kidnapping of Oliver Sykes

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Jeremy sat next to Melody and simply said, "Hey."

Melody's P.O.V

Here we are in the back of a cop car, handcuffed tightly to one another. I looked at the girls and wondered to myself why I let these girls talk me into this. I didn't regret what we did. Not even a tiny bit. I was actually happy that we trashed cockroach's office and kidnapped Oliver Sykes. No one likes cockroach anyway and if word goes around school about what we did we will become legends. I looked at each of my best friends and thought to myself, 'I'm lucky to have these people in my life, I'll never find friends like this again. But why did I let them talk me into helping them with this.' Let me rewind and tell you how we ended up in this police car. It started almost right after school.

After school

The bell to leave school rang and Coraline and I walked out only to see Jeremy standing outside of the door for us, or more me. As Coraline walked off to leave us alone he and I began talking to each other, getting to know each other. He told me he wanted to stay after school with us to chill with us until his friends came to get him to go skating. We walked around to find Coraline, and after we found her we ran into Antonio. Or more like he ran into her. She fell into his arms for the second time today. I coughed to get their attention, "Can we go to the front of the school now?" As we came to the front Yomi and Aryn and Klee ran in front of us. More like Klee was being dragged

"Bring Me The Horizon is here in San Antonio!!! Here in OUR town!!!! We have to do see them!!" Cried Yomi and Aryn.

"I could care less." Klee told us.

"How would we be able to find them?" Coraline asked suddenly interested.

"Wait wait wait!" Yelled Jeremy. He pointed at Aryn, "You can talk?"

She told him, "yes but that's not the point! Melody we have to go see them!!"

I replied with, "How would we be able to follow them? None of us have a car." Jeremy turned his head and looked at the green grass. I looked where he was looking and saw seven skateboards lying perfectly together. Next thing I know, we're skating behind BMTH's tour bus. After maybe 20 minutes we lost the bus.

"Now how are we gonna kidnap Oliver?!" Aryn exclaimed. Yomaira snapped her head up, "I have an idea!" She grabbed Aryn and they both ran in the direction they last saw the bus.

The rest of us started walking towards the same direction. A few seconds later a baby blue challenger pulled up next to us. The driver rolled down the window and asked, "you guys need a ride?"

Time Skip
"There they are!" We picked up Yomaira and Aryn from the side of the road about two miles away from where they ran and we had just found the bus at a motel near the mall. Coraline had a look in her eye like she had an evil plan. 10 minutes later a black van with the words 'free tattoos' painted in blue on the side.

"Is this your brilliant plan to kidnap him? A van with free tattoos on the side? There's no way he's gonna fall for this!" I exclaimed.

Antonio wrapped his arms around Coraline and simply said, "let the girl do what she believes will work to get him out here." We walked behind a few stray cars and Jeremy went and knocked on his room door. He ran back to a car and ducked.

Then Oliver Sykes walked out of his room, took one look at the van and ran screaming "TATTOOS!" Coraline had a smug look on her face and mouthed the words, "I told you so."

Aryn and Yomaira ran to the van screaming "Oli!" And slammed the door shut. They jumped into the driver and passenger seats and yelled to us, "TO KLEES HOUSE YOU GUYS!!! GO GO GO!!!"

"Why my house?" Klee asked us.

"Maybe the basement you have" suggested Coraline.

*Pic is of Klee's house*

As we arrived we didn't see the van anywhere insight. We went in after Klee unlocked the door, because her parents weren't home as usual. But it's wasn't unusual for any of us. Our parents were always at meetings or working or out partying. We entered and her a loud bang from the basement door. The first thing the boys did was run to the living room. "Cowards" Klee coughed. Then the doorbell rang. The boys run to the kitchen.

"Our heroes!" I yelled towards them. As Klee went to the door to see who was here, she screamed. Everyone ran to the hallway leading to the door. Once everyone saw who it was they dropped their weapons. It was her boyfriend Kenneth Nixon, she hasn't seen him for almost two months as he was playing at concerts and such.

After their little reunion, the thump was then again heard from the basement. Us girls went towards the door with Kenneth in front of us and Jeremy and Antonio behind us. Coraline elbowed me, "shouldn't they be protecting us instead of the other way around?"

"Aye shut up!" Jeremy told her. I smacked his head. "Don't talk to her like that!" *thud* we jumped back.

"STAY BACK" We heard a guy yell.

"Stop being difficult and sit in the damn chair!"

"That's Aryn!" Klee whispered.

"You don't think...." Caroline trailed off.

"Oh gosh, we're gonna go to jail! If we go to jail Ima beat both of them in their sleep" I said.

"Wait what's going on? Who's down there?" Kenneth asked.

"Aryn, Yomaira and Oliver Sykes are down there." Antonio and Jeremy said together.

"You guys are crazy! Who let them find him!?" He yelled at us. "Next thing you know, there will be little Oliver's running around here!"

"Jeremy's the one who pointed out the skateboards at the school. so technically it's his fault." Klee stated. A loud thud was heard throughout the house, then everything became silent. Klee opened the door looked inside and screamed.the rest of us looked and laughed at Klee. Aryn and Yomaira were playing cards.

"Why'd you scream?" I asked her.

"They're playing cards and no Oliver in sight. That's pure evil right there." As Klee walked down the stairs, she tripped and fell down the stairs. Coraline, Jeremy, Antonio and I stood at the top of the stairs laughing while Kenneth went down the stairs laughing to go help her. When he came to the bottom of the stairs he looked to the direction where light was coming from and stopped laughing. We walked down the steps after we noticed him stop laughing.

As I saw what everyone was looking at I turned to the two girls playing cards, "what did you do?"

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