Ch. 3

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I'm laying in my bed just relaxing and I decided to call that boy from the restaurant that I gave my phone number to.
I grabbed my cell phone and dial his number and I'm waiting for him to answer. Suddenly, he answered his phone "Hey" he said.

I clear my throat. "Oh,Um...Hey" I replied.

"Wyd ?" he asked.

"Oh nothing, why ?" I asked him.

"Because, I wanna come and meet you since we didn't have time to talk at the restaurant." he explained.

"We're all ready talking tho" I giggled.

"Oh yea" he chuckled.

"Don't you mean that you wanna meet up and talk ?" I asked him.

"Yea" he chuckled.

"Okay, meet me at the restaurant where we was at the other day at 1 o'clock today. Don't be late! " I joked.

"K shawty, see you then" he said.

"Ugh...the sound of his voice is so sexy man I need him in my life." I told myself.

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. Mhm...the warm water on my bare skin felt so relaxing.
After fifteen minutes of showering I got out of the shower brush my teeth and washed my face. Then, I put my clothes on and did my hair and left out of the house to meet up with this boy. In my mind I'm thinking how should I act around him ? cause, I'm a baddie and all niggas like baddies. But I'm gonna be acting cute around him and be a baddie at the same time.

Fifteen minutes later

I finally arrived at the restaurant where I met this boy from, I couldn't see where he was sitting so I texted him.

India: What table u are at ?

???: The one that has flowers on the table.

I looked around and see what table has flowers and suddenly, I see the table so I walked over to the table. I cleared my throat."Oh hey" he said as he got up and hugged me. He smells so damn good. "Hey" I said back. We both sat down and started Connecting on a great level.

"Imma introduce myself, my name is Trey...I'm 17 years old.
How about you ?. He asked me.

I chuckled a little. "Well, my name is India I'm also 17 years old and I go to Crenshaw high school" I explained to him.

I kept staring at his lips and they looked soft, pinked, juicy lips. He noticed that I was staring at his lips.

*Picture of Trey on the side*

" I see that you are staring at my lips" he joked.

I looked up at him. " Yeah, because you had something on your lips" I lied.

"Just admit it you wanna kiss me don't you." he said with a smirk. I signed. " Maybe" I said in a flirty way.

He smiled." How about I kiss you ?" he said as he leaned over the table.

I leaned in for it "Sure" I whispered.

We kissed and usually I really don't kiss on a first date with someone I don't know but Hey, it was a good kiss ;).

It was 3:00 and are date was over I felt bummed but I'll see him next time. Trey took me home and when we arrived at my apartment he opened the car door for me and I got out.

"I had a great time" I told him with a smile.

" Me too" he said back.

"Bye" I said with a wave going up the stairs.

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