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India haven't talked to me in two weeks every time I try to speak to her in the school hallway she completely ignores me and goes to class. I miss my girl man, I'm pissed off at Dime for ruining my relationship with India.

I spotted India at her locker."Hey" I spoke, she looked up at me and sighed.

"What do want Trey?" She huffed as she slammed her locker.

"Can you stop giving me the silent treatment?" I asked getting annoyed. She rolled her eyes.

"Why should I?" She shrugged.

"Cuz, I miss you babe. I want us to reconnect again and not fight, I didn't attempt on ever having sex with Dime, she set me up." I said honestly.

She nodded."Do you have feelings for Dime?" She asked lowly. I held both of India's hands and looked her in the eyes.

"No I don't, why would I have feelings for someone who tried to break us up? I only care about you India" I caress her cheek but she turned away.
"Babe?" I spoke catching her attention."I love you, no I'm in love with you, I want us to be together" I said seriously being honest. She leaned in and kissed me.

"I love you too" she smiled. I can't live another day without being with India, I love this girl.

Noel ~

Its been two months since Dre's arrest and I'm worried about giving birth to our baby, Dre won't be here when I give birth to our baby girl. He'll be out in four years, by the time he gets out of jail our baby is going to be three years old.

"Ooo" I spoke, holding on my stomach. I just felt the baby move!

"Noel, I'm going to work. I'll be back around 10" My cousin Asia assured me. I was staying at Asia house, because I didn't want to be alone in my house, pregnant.

"Okay, tomorrow I'm going to go visit Dre" I told her.

"Ok" she mumbled, leaving out. I went upstairs to the bathroom to go wash my face and brush my teeth. I looked down at my stomach and rubbed it in circler motion.

"I can't wait to meet you baby" I smiled thinking about my baby girl. I took out the vitamins my doctor prescribed for me to take. I took it with water and went to bed.


"It's not that bad right?" I asked Nicole and Sierra worriedly. They both looked at each other and back at me.

"It is Dime" They nodded. I sucked my teeth as I threw my makeup brush on the floor.

Sierra kneeled and held both of my shoulders."But, it's not like you got hit by a car" She chuckled along with Nicole trying to cheer me up.

"Yea" I signed, holding my head down.

"You wanna go to the mall?" Sierra pouted. I didn't want to walk around the house feeling bum over a fight, I needed to get out of the house.

"Yea" I smiled.


"Girl, we should head to footlocker after H&M" Sierra suggested.

I was checking my twitter page and Instagram until I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay" I heard the person say. I looked up and it was my friend Jayceon.

"Hey Dime" he smiled helping me up. I brushed the dirt off my pants.

"Hey Jayceon, wow! Its been like 3 years since the last time we saw each other" I smiled at him.

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