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( India's outfit in Media )


"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I yelled at Tierra as I stood up.

"Desiree who the fuck you talking to?" Tierra spat.

"YOU BITCH WHO ELSE?" I yelled. Tierra really needs a good ass whooping.

"Calm down Desiree" Mom said tugging on my dress a little.

I shook my head. "No mom, you're always defending her" I said bluntly.

"Bitch are you mad?" Tierra chuckled.

I was trying to charge at her but my boyfriend Tyrese sweep me off my feet taking me to the back.

I tried to get out of his grip. "Tyrese let me go" I dragged out squirming in his grip.

He shook his head."No you're not going to jail again" he said.

I went to jail two times for beating up some girl bad.

Yea, I'm a savage

"Can you let me go please?" I said politely batting my eyelashes.

"That ain't gonna work" He chuckled.

"Ugh" I huffed. "You need a chill pill shawty like forreal" he said.

"Ion need a chill pill, I'm fine" I said through gritted teeth. Even tho I'm still mad at Tierra hoe ass.

"If I take you back to the table are you going to stay chill?" he asked, I might be chill but I can't make any promises.

"Yea" I lied.

He nodded his head "Ight, come on" He said holding my hand."You better behave" he slapped my ass.

"Ouch!" I whined rubbing my ass.


I can't go back in that restaurant! If I do it will be a problem.

"India, I know you heard me calling you" Trey said trying to breath for air after running.

"Trey just leave me alone" I said lowly.

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"We're always going to stick together no matter what" Trey said in ear calming me down a little.

I turned around facing him. "Would you ever cheat on me?" I asked him.

"No" he said honesty. I laid my head down on his chest.

"Come on let's go back inside" He nodded. "No! can we go somewhere else?" I asked.


"The beach, it's my favourite place to get my mind off of things" I smiled thinking about it.

"Ight, hop in the car" Trey told me. We both got in the car and drove off to the beach.


"Look at the ocean" Trey said holding me in his arms as we was looking at the ocean.

I smiled. "Yea, it's beautiful" I agreed.

Being here with Trey make me feel serious about us and our future together.

"Ever since I was 12 I would always come here to think about my problems" I told Trey.

"You used to be sneaking out of the house?" he asked.

"Yea" I replied.

"India, I feel you're the one for me, I have never felt serious about any girl since I met you" I smiled at him just saying that.

"So, are you saying that one day I'll be your wife" I smiled.

"Yea" he nodded as I turned around facing him.

Oh my gosh.

"I love you" I said softly.

"I love you too" he said back as we kissed.

* Back in LA *


This pregnancy is so exhausting, I threw up four times today and I'm already having cravings.

I'm laying on my bed watching Basketball wives of LA, Waiting for Twan to get out of the bathroom so he can cuddle with me.

Twan phone stared ringing so I answered it. The caller ID said "Kendra" Who tf is Kendra.

"Hello?" I spoke in the phone.

"Who's this?" The girl spoke in the phone.

"Bitch you called, who's this!" I said with an attitude.

"You're Twan's girlfriend, you might don't know that we been fucking" She laughed. Why tf Twan fucking another bitch ?!

Twan came out the bathroom. "Why the fuck you on my phone!" he hollered snatching his phone away from me.

"Who's Kendra?" I yelled.

"Whatca talking about?" he said annoyed trying to avoid my question.


He was pacing back and forth.

"Yea, we been fucking" he admitted looking guilty.

I crossed my arms over my chest."When was the last time y'all slept with each other?" I asked glaring at him.

He signed running his fingers down his face"last week" he admitted.

I'm done.

"Get the fuck out of my house!" I said calmly grabbing his stuff and throwing it out of my room.

"Vee can we talk about this?" he pleaded as I continued throwing his stuff out of my room.

"There's nothing to talk about" I told him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Don't touch me!" I growled removing his arms from my waist."Pack you're boxers, toothbrush and shaving kit and get out of my house!" I yelled leaving my room.

He betrayed me.

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Vee knows about Twan fuck buddy.

* sips tea ☕*

Indiaan_babyy do book covers.

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