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I heard someone came in the house and I wondered who it was, so I quietly walked downstairs and I saw Trey in the kitchen sitting in the chair thinking.

"Trey, come to bed with me" I whined.

"In a minute babe" he ran his fingers down his face. I walked over to him and sat on his lap.

"Thanks for defending my honor Trey. I really appreciate" I told him.

"It ain't nothing babe, I just didn't like him disrespecting you like that" he said rubbing my thigh.

"Trey, I'm starting to fall for you. I really like you and I wanna be with you" I admitted. He smiled playing with my nails.

"India, I'm starting to grow feelings for you too. I can't even stay away from your pretty ass" I smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear.

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I signed. "So, I'm your girlfriend ?" I asked smiling.

"Hell yeah !" he smiled. I leaned in and kissed him, he started gripping on my thigh and I started grinding on him.

"You like it when I grind on you ?" I asked biting down on my lip.

"Yea" he said as he smaked my thigh.

"Mmm" I moaned.

"Let's go upstairs" I winked, getting off of Trey and he followed me upstairs.

He laid me on the bed and took off a big shirt I had on, leaving me in my bra and panties. He took off his shirt and pants, just leaving him in his boxers. Trey leaned down and kissed me all over my my body. I let out a small moan, then he put himself inside of me. He was going and I threw my head back.

"Trey! " I screamed as I felt myself came.

"Damn Indy" he grumbled as he smaked my ass. I was on birth control so when ever Trey releases himself in me, I wouldn't get pregnant cuz I'm keeping up with my birth control.



I haven't heard from Dre all night I was starting to worry about him. I was losing my mind until I heard the door bell ring.

"I'm coming" I said, I opened the door and it obviously one of Dre's friends.

"Dre in the hospital" he said worriedly. My heart dropped I grabbed my purse and my cell phone, I left with Dre's friend so we can meet Dre at the hospital.


I ran right into the hospital right up to the front desk.

"Can you tell me what room Dre Reel is in ?" I asked worried.

"Are you a family member of him ?" she asked. I rolled my eyes and signed heavily.

"No bu-t" she cut me off.

"You gotta fill out this application" she said chewing her gum,handing me the clipboard.

"Listen bitch! I'm his girlfriend. Now let me go see him" I snapped at her.

Her eyes widened in fear.

"He's in room 311" she stuttered.

I rushed to Dre's room and I see him on the hospital bed sleep.

"I'm so sorry Dre I should've never left your side" I cried to myself as I touched Dre's hand. I looked up and he was awake.

"Kennedy" he said in a low tone.

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