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"What the hell is this?!" I spoke bluntly, glaring at Jayceon and some random hoe, that was all over him.

I just came home from work and I've been blowing up Jayceon phone, He can't even pick up his phone because, He's too busy trying to get his dick wet by some hoe.

I'm a crazy ass girlfriend, me and Jayceon have been together for almost two years. But to see a random hoe all over him got my blood boiling and ready to snap on him and this bitch!

"Get your muthafuckin hands off of him bitch!" I said bluntly, walking up towards her but Jayceon was holding me back. She was sitting her raggedy ass on the counter smirking at me, but she won't be smirking for long before these hands touch her.

"Are you mad boo?" She smiled, clapping at me.

"Why this bitch all over you?!" I snapped as he was still holding me back, but I slapped him and pushed him.

"Baby chill" He kept repeating, but I ignored him and glared at his hoe, she keeps running her mouth thinking that I'm a weak ass bitch.

"Bitch shut the fuck up!" She yelled.

I took off my black pumps heels and threw one at her."Hoe" I yelled, Jayceon took my other heel out of my hand.

"You missed me" She stuck her tongue out laughing, crossing her legs so nobody wouldn't have to smell that stank pu$$y.


I picked up a vase from the coffee table."Bitch I'll throw this vase at you!" I threatened, Jayceon placed the vase down.

She hopped off the counter and folded her arms eyeing me, I took out my silver hoop earrings and pushed Jayceon off of me, charging at her.

I'm 5'5 by the way.

"Bitch!" I punched her repeatedly in the face as I gripped up her fake ass weave twisting it, She punched me in my nose but that didn't phased me, I felt her clawing my face and arms as she was tugging on my real hair.

"Get the fuck off of me!" She hollered, punching my back trying to kick me off of her body.

I wasn't going to let go of her hair until I see something tearing from the roots.

"Ari let go of her" Jayceon said holding onto me. I gave this bitch one last kick and let her go.

She had bruises on her face and pieces of weave all over the floor.

"I still look cute bitch" She smirked, fixing her hair. I ignored her smart comments,putting my heels back on and grabbed my earrings.

"Arielle where are you going?" Jayceon asked. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"Away from you" I answered, leaving his condo.


"Aww baby you look handsome" I squealed, eyeing Trey down. He was trying on his capping gown and tears started to form.

"Why are you crying baby?" Trey chuckled. I fanned my eyes so I won't ruin my makeup.

"It's the hormones" I smiled. Graduation is next week and it's bittersweet that I won't be seeing some of my friends when they go off to college and move on with their lives.

"I'm only 6 months pregnant and I'm ready to give birth already" Vee complained, eating a bag of cookies.

"Can't wait to see my baby boy" Twan cheesed, wrapping his arms around Vee.

"You're going to be the one changing his diapers and feeding him" Vee clarified.

Twan shrugged his shoulders."Kool wit me" he replied, rocking her hips.

Prom is this weekend and Trey is taking me but I need to find a dress I'm getting a little weight on me. I don't want to stress over this graduation and prom, even tho I'm apart of the planning.

Trey took off his gown and sat down on the couch, I walked over to him and sat on his lap.

"How's my baby doing?" Trey cooed, rubbing my belly that is barley showing much.

"She's doing fine" I giggled.

"I bet it's a boy" He spoke.

I shook my head."It's a girl" I hope that I'm having a girl, so far I'm 3 weeks pregnant, I'm putting on a little weight cause of my cravings and the development of the baby.

"We're going to be late for class" I reminded Trey. I grabbed my bag along with my textbooks, leaving the auditorium with Jenn & Vee.

We was on our way to Science class until we ran into manierra and her wolfs.

"Look at the three hoes" Sierra laughed. This bitch is seriously calling us hoes? but word on the street is that she's stripping at some club with her sidekick Dime.

"Bitch but aren't you a hoe? Cuz, you've been stripping for dollars along with your sidekick Dime" I clarified eyeing the two of them.

She sucked her teeth and stormed off. I smirked and flipped my hair.


It's been tough on me being in jail for almost six months, I have a baby on the way and it's sad that I won't be at the birth of my baby. I'm staying in here for 4 years, I haven't talk to Kennedy since last week on the phone. I realized that she's completely over me and moved on, I wish her the best of luck and happiness. I got in a few fights in here with one of the prisoners and guards, I still have my guard up no matter what.

"Reel!" The guard called, standing at my cell. I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling.

"What?" I spoke bluntly.

"Someone is here to see you" He said. I sucked my teeth and got up from my bunk bed and walked out of my cell with him, he placed handcuffs on my wrist.

"What you lookin' at?" I mugged at the guard.

"Shut yo punk ass up!" He growled, leading me to the visitor room. I seen Noel sitting at the table on her phone, I smiled as I looked down at her baby bump.

"You have 30 minutes" The guard said as I sat down.

"Bitch ass" I grumbled as I watched him walking away from the table.

"Hey" Noel gave me a weak smile.

"Sup, how's my baby?" I asked, she went into her purse and gave me her ultrasound picture.

"We're having a girl" She said. I looked at my baby girl ultrasound and smiled.

"Wow,When is the due date?" I asked, Just thinking about it.

"I don't know yet" She shrugged. I can't wait until my baby girl arrives but I won't be seeing her much.

"I'm only 4 months Dre" She chuckled.

Me and Noel talked for a couple more minutes until my guard came.

"Let's go Dre" He ordered. I rolled my eyes and pecked Noel lips.

"Fuck!" I mumbled as my guard took me away from Noel in handcuffs.

Sorry for the mistakes, I was rushing making this chapter. I know that I haven't been on here for a minute but I told y'all that I'll update whenever I can. I'm focusing on school and my grades. but since I won't be on here a lot, I'm thinking of creating a relationship goals book, something that I can update fast enough. Don't worry I'm not going nowhere I'm still going to continue making chapters for both stories.

- The Official llBreezyll

Ari and Dime fight tho ☕☕☕

Don't be a ghost reader!☝

( Ari in Media )

Attention! ✋ I'll concluded this story on their graduation day which is chapter 32, The two last chapters will be long probably up to 2000 or 3000 words long. Next book will be published in November and my Sequel to Best mistake will be released after this book is completed.

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