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"Yeah hello? Mel, what's ya address?" I smirked starting up my car.

For a moment there I thought about what I was about to do. I have so much anger built inside of me and since Jayceon wanna cheat on me I can do the same, but what's good going to come out of it? Nothing.

I hung up the phone and rested my head on the steering wheel and cried. I'm in the moment of crying and I heard a knock on my car window, it was Jayceon -.-

I wiped my eyes and rolled down the window.

"What?" I spoke bluntly with tears in my eyes trying to hold them back.

"Baby, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you like that. I fucked up I know" He apologized. He can take that apology and shove it up his ass cause at this moment he ain't shit to me fr!

"Jayceon...I'm done, I can't do this no more you need a lot of growing up to do. I'm tired of the lying, and the cheating. You have no respect for me or this relationship" I said honestly getting frustrated.

He looked at me and rubbed his face. I know that he feels like shit after everything I said, and he knows that it's all true.

"Baby?" I cut him off by rolling up the window and drove off.



"Can't believe that we're graduating today baby" I smiled fixing Trey's tie around his neck.

"I know, its crazy" He replied as I stood on my tippe toes and pecked his lips.

Prom is also tonight and Imma be slaying all the way with my dress. (Prom dress in mm also Trey's suit )

I placed my graduation cap on my head and fixed up the gown too.

Vee came in our room with her pregnant self slaying her graduation gown. "Twan outside come on" She said. Me and Trey grabbed our stuff and left out of the room to Twan's car.


"Trey Anderson" The principal called out, Trey walked up on stage smiling ear to ear as the principal gave him his diploma shaking hands. I'm so proud of my man I never knew that I would find someone like him who loves me and the crazy part is I'm carrying his baby which is a gift to us. I remember when we first met and we our good times and bad times but we pulled through it and never gave up on each other.

"Woooooooo" I cheered, clapping my hands. I was next in line to get my diploma, Trey looked at me and smiled walking off stage. Once I heard my name the crowd cheered as I walked over to the principle shaking hands picking up my diploma.

I walked off stage and ran right into Trey arms happy as ever, kissing all over his face.


( Prom )

"Vee they should be here by now its almost 8:00" I said worried checking my hair and makeup in the mirror pacing back n forth texting Trey. I never got a reply back from him in the last 20 minutes.

I was slaying my red two piece prom dress along with my white clutch and gold rolex.

Walking down the steps holding my dress, seeing everyone including my family members taking pictures of me and Vee together. Even though I'm a little annoyed that Trey didn't text me back yet, I'm still going to relax and keep a smile on my face.

"Look over here India" My mom told me. I looked over in her direction smiling into the camera posing and blowing kisses. "You and Vee come together now" She spoke. Me and Vee came together giving them are best slaying poses.

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