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Trey ~

"Babe, let's get going it's already 8" I told India as she was fixing her hair.

She turned around still brushing her hair.

"Don't rush me" She spoke, brushing her hair. I chuckled and took out my phone so I can text Twan.

Me: Did anybody arrive yet?

Twan: Yea.

Me: Who?

Twan: Bianca,Jass,Jennifer,Que, De'andre and people.

Me: Ok, I'm on my way.

I turned off my phone and walked up behind India and grabbed her ass sneakily.

She jumped at my touch."Baeee" she dragged turning around.

I kissed her lips."You ready?" I asked her.

"Yes" she answered playing in my hair. We both left the apartment and walked to my car, India was walking in front of me so I can get a great view on the phat ass.

She turned around."I can feel you staring at my ass" she smirked.

I bit down on my lip scanning her sexy ass, opening the passenger side door for her.

"I own it" I chuckled. She rolled her eyes playfully and got in the car. I closed the door for her and jogged over to the drivers side, getting in.

"You better not talk to no hoes at the party" She spoke as I was backing out of the driveway.

"You know I won't baby" I said giving her a kiss.

She smiled."You better not" she mumbled, I pretended that I didn't hear that.


"Trey I'm over here" Twan shouted, waving his hand trying to get my attention.

"I'll be over at bar with Twan" I assured India.

"Ok" She nodded."I'll go look for Vee" She said.

"Ight" I nodded giving her a peck.

"Sup Trey" Twan said dapped me up.

"Sup man"I nodded. Where's De'andre?" I asked him.

"Over there with Bianca" he pointed in the living room.

"This bull always trying to fuck every girl" I chuckled looking at De'andre and Bianca in the living room.

Twan patted my shoulder."I'm going to go check on Vee" he said.

"Ard" I nodded.

He left to go check on Vee, then Dime comes up to me. What do she want?

"Hey Trey" She smiled.

"Sup Dime" I head nodded her.

"Who you're here with?" She asked fixing her short ass dress.

"My girl India" I spoke.

She nodded."Can we go talk alone upstairs?" She asked.

"Yea" I spoke. She better not try no shit with me.

She leaded us upstairs to the bedroom and closed the door.

"Trey, I know I've been a bitch lately but I can't help it! When I see you with India it hurts me, because I wish that we were together again" she explained.

"Dime, I'm in love with India and I'm happy I can't just leave her and make you happy, what we had before is gone now" I stated.

"It's just not fair" she said breaking down crying. I kind of felt bad for saying that cuz, I know Dime misses me but we can't be together. She had a bad attitude towards my friends and she thinks that I be cheating on her.

"I'm sorry" I spoke giving her a hug.

"I miss being with you Trey, I wish that I never ended our relationship" she cried as I rubbed her back.

She looked me in my eyes, wrapping her arms around my neck.

She crashed her lips into mines.

I pulled away."What you doing?" She got on her knees and unzipped my pants bobbing her head up and down.

"Dime stop" I groaned trying to push her head back.

"Trey" I heard India coming in the bedroom looking at me and Dime, I mushed the shit out of Dime's head making her fallback on the floor.

"Baby" I spoke. I saw a tear ran down her cheek as she ran out of the bedroom.

"India!!!" I called zipping up my pants,
as I chased after her.


I ran outside chasing after India."India let me explain" I pleaded, she slapped me hard.

"Explain what? I saw that bitch sucking your dick!" She yelled. I grabbed her wrist.

"India, the bitch wouldn't let me go. I told her to stop but she tricked me trying to have sex, I wasn't having it. We were talking then out of nowhere she kisses me but I pulled back looking at her like she's crazy. I told her I'm with you and that I love you" I explained. I knew at this point India wouldn't believe me but I'm telling her the truth.

She rolled her eyes."I should go fuck this bitch up!" She said in anger walking back to Twans house.

Oh shit!

India ~

I can't believe that Dime sucked Trey's dick. This bitch wants to be dragged again and I will be gladly to do it! I'm tired of these broke hoes trying me, I'm just ready to murder a bitch.

I spotted Dime over at the bar with Sierra, I charged at her and grabbed her hair pulling her down to the ground.

"Get off of her bitch!" Sierra spat tugging on my hair as I was punching Dime in the face.

"Leave her alone bitch!" I heard Bianca hollered as she dragged Sierra off of me beating her up, until someone separated them.

"Bitches like you are the reason why men can't be honest with their women!" I said through gritted teeth pulling her weave out and kicking her. I felt someone pulling me off of India and it was Twan and Trey.

"Come on India she's not worth it!" Twan spoke pulling us apart. I wasn't hearing it I kept beating this raggedy bitch up for trying to ruin my relationship, I'm tired of her ass!

"Baby let go" Trey spoke to me. I ignored his ass cuz I'm still mad at him. They finally pulled us apart and I gave Dime one last kick in the face.

"You want some more bitch, cuz I'm ready for round 2" I glared at her as I waved  her weave that I ripped out of her hair, being held back by Trey.

"BITCH WHAT'S GOOD?!" Dime spat  putting up her hair.

I looked around and everybody was staring at me and I felt embarrassed, I shook my head, removing  Trey arms off of me and ran out of Twan's house.

Sorry for the mistakes, I was rushing to make this chapter.

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{ India in media ✊}

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