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Pow! Pow!

"TWAN!!!!" I heard Que shouted.


"Que" I groaned in pain holding in the blood in my arm.

He ran over to me."Fuck man, you're losing too much blood!" he said taking out his phone to call somebody.

"Que I-" Right before you knew it I passed out.


I haven't spoke to Twan in five days after our breakup, I just can't believe he cheated on me while I'm pregnant. He been blowing up my phone, but I ignored his calls and texts cuz I need sometime to think.

My phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Vee it's Que, Twan got shot" He blurted out. I just felt my heart drop.

"He's in the hospital" He said.

I started shaking worryingly."I'm on my way!" I said as I hung up. I can't believe Twan got shot, I can't even imagine losing him even tho we're having problems.

I had to text India, she should be off her flight from Florida.

Me: India! Where are you?

India: I just got off my flight from Florida on my way back. Why?

Me: Twan got shot!

India: What? When did this even happen?

Me: I don't know, but meet me at the hospital.

India: Ok.


Vee: India! Where are you?

Me: I just got off my flight from Florida. Why?

Vee: Twan got shot!

Me: What? When did this even happen?

Vee: I don't know, but meet me at the hospital.

Me: Ok.

Twan got shot.

I tapped Trey arm."Trey? Twan got shot!" I told him.

He looked over at me.

"What the fuck? Where is he?" He asked worried.

I signed "At the hospital" I replied. He grabbed my hand and leaded us out of the airport into a taxi.


"I hope he's alright" Vee cried. I rubbed her back.

"This is messed up" Trey mumbled, cupping his hands together.

I lift my head up. "He'll pull through y'all" Que said, Trey looked over at him pissed.

"Nigga, this all you're fault!" Trey snapped as he stood up.

Que stood up as well."How is it my fault?" Que mugged.



Trey got in his face."I SHOULD KILL YOU'RE ASS CUZ YOU AIN'T SHIT!" I got in between Que and Trey.

"Babe chill" I said holding him back, he looked down at me and signed.

"Alright" he agreed going back to his seat.

The doctor walked in the waiting room.

Vee stood up."How is he?" she asked the doctor.

"He's good, he just got out of surgery" He replied.

"Can we go see him?" Vee asked fiddling with her fingers nervously.

He nodded"Yes, he's in room 346" He said.

"Thank you" Vee said in relief."Come on y'all" She waved as we got up and followed her to the room.



"Vee" he said weakly.

Trey walked over to him."Man we were worried sick about you bro" he said dapping him up."Who did this to you?"

Twan sat up in his bed."I don't know, all I remember was a black car and this guy who have a tattoo on his neck and he looked dark skinned" he explained.

"That sounds like Shawn" Que said.

Trey shook his head."Isn't Shawn one of Dre boys?" Trey asked.

Que nodded rubbing his chin."Yea" he replied.

"Can y'all give me and Twan a minute to be alone?" I asked all of them, they nodded and left the room.

I looked at Twan and held his hand.

I signed."I'm sorry this happened to you" I said lowly feeling bad.

"It's kool, Vee I miss you a lot ever since we separated I been doing a lot of thinking about us" he said.

I flipped my hair."Twan-" I spoke but he cut me off.

"Vee, I fucked up. I'm sorry that I lied to you and cheated on you" he blurted out honestly.

I tilted my head to the side."Are you done with Kendra?" I asked.

"Yes, I deleted her out of my contacts and I stopped seeing her" he said.

I signed. "If we're going to work our relationship out again you need to prove to me that you are 100% committed and honest to me, I don't want bitches blowing up your phone at night" I stated seriously.

"Ok" he nodded."Kiss?" he puckered.

I shook my head."Nope,I don't know where your lips been Twan" I put my hands up in his face.

He smacked his lips."Stop playin" he chuckled.

"I'm not playin, I'm serious" his smile fade away.

"Oh your serious" he said.

"Yes Twan" I replied.

"Can you at least give me a kiss on my cheek?" he asked. I rolled my eyes playfully and kissed his cheek.

"I'm hard now" he smirked.

"You ain't getting nun of this for a month" I told him. His mouth drop.

"What? Bae stop lyin" he said as I walk towards the door.

"I'm not lying" I chuckled, leaving his room.

[ Unknown character ]

We got Twan ass Trey is next to get cut on the list. I heard that he have a girl too, Dre wanna tear her pussy apart and kill her. Dre told me to take him and Twan out but he wants India for himself, I'm just doing this for the money.

Dre: You need to get India ass and takeout her boyfriend Trey.

Me: How much I'm getting paid for this ?

Dre: Don't worry about it just do it!

( Rest of the text messages in Media)

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Y'all thought Dre changed? Look back at one of the chapters when he threaten India about watching her back.


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