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"BITCH!" I yelled running towards her as I grabbed her hair.

"INDIA STOP!" Trey panic trying to pull me off of Dime.

I was punching her repeatedly in the face, pulling her hair rough and kicking her.

"Dime let go!" Dime cousin said as Trey and her broke us up.

"STEP TO ME AGAIN BITCH!" I yelled as Trey took me out of the restaurant.

"India get in the car" Trey said calmly, I got in on the passengers side.

"Dumbass bitch" I mumbled checking my face in my mirror. I only had scratches on my arms and redness on my face.

"You need to calm down babe" Trey signed.

"Calm down for what? that bitch threw a drink on me ruined my outfit" I said as I brushed my pants.

"Don't let her get to you!" I nodded but Dime crossed the line with me.


I have a busted lip and knot on my head. You win some you lose some, this ain't over tho.

"Fucking bitch" I mumbled rubbing alcohol on my scratches.

"Dime you in there?" I heard Amina say, knocking on the bathroom door. I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

"What Amina?" I said with an attitude. I really didn't feel like talking to her, Amina didn't have my back today. She could of at least threw a punch at India ass.

"I'm just checking on you" she said as she tuck her hair behind her ear.

I chuckled. "Really? Amina you didn't even have my back tonight, when I was fighting that bitch, who stole Trey from me" I said seriously.

"Dime, I'm not going to jump the girl. That's not me ! Look just because Trey left your ass doesn't mean your going to take out your anger on me" she stated. I can't believe my own blood would turn on me.

"Fuck you Amina!" I growled as I brushed pass her. I can't stay here with Amina she's a pain my ass. Why would she say something like that to me ? I'll go to a hotel instead.

"Where you going?" she asked seeing me carry bags down the steps.

"Don't worry about it" I answered.

"Fuck you Dime! I tried to be nice to you but I can't deal with your ignorant ass!" She yelled as she mushed my face in.

"Bitch!" I pushed her. She got up and sucker punched me, I grabbed her hair making her fall to the ground. She got on top of me and started punching me in the face, I got only a few punches in.

"Get off of me!" I yelled as I kicked her off of me.

She stood up and gave me a death glare. "Forget you Amina you ain't shit to me!" I yelled grabbing my bags, leaving her house.


Dre haven't called me in 4 days,I'm already missing his ass. He haven't even texted me either so I decided to call him.

"Hello?" he spoke. The sound of his voice is so sexy mhm.

"I miss you Dre" I pouted.

"Noel, we can't do this anymore" he said making me frown.

"What you mean?" I asked confused.

"We can't have sex no more" He said making me change my mood.

"It's your bitch" I mumbled.

"What?" he said.

"I said it's that bitch you're with!" I hollered.

"Noel, I'm working things out with her" he said trying to keep the peace.

I rolled my eyes. "What about me?" I asked.

He didn't say anything. I sucked my teeth as I rolled my eyes.

"Call me whenever you make-up your mind" I said as I hung up on him.

I'm starting to grow feelings for Dre but he's treating me differently. Before he got with his girlfriend we been having sex, I don't see why he's acting so different with me now. And I know he feels some type of way about me.


"Put this on there" I said handing India an ice pack. She had a bruise on her leg from the fall on the ground.

"Thanks" she smiled. I'm not going to let this slide with Dime she's already starting drama with my girl and I'm not happy about it.

"Dumb bitches these days" India mumbled. I rubbed her back.

"Don't stress over her baby, She's nothing to me" I said.

"Yea, she better not be" She chuckled.

My girlfriend is too pretty to be fighting, but she handled Dime. I never expected to see the crazy side of India.

"You look so sexy when your mad" I said leaning in placing kisses on her lips.

She tried to push me back but I kept going.

"Mhm Trey" she moaned.

"Shush, I'm taking care of you now" I said softly kissing her body.

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That fight between India and Dime. *sips tea ☕*

New cover by me

Amina in MM•

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