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I wake up and I see Trey next to me sleeping.

"Last night tho" I chuckled as I got out of bed to go downstairs and see if I have any mail at my door.

"Hey girl" I heard Vee say coming out of the kitchen with a yogurt.

"Hey Vee, where's the mail?" I asked her looking around for it.

"On the coffee table in the living room" she said pointing to the coffee table. I walked over there and flipped through the mail, but I see a letter with my name on it from someone.

"Natalie Alexandra" I said reading the letter. Who's Natalie Alexandra ?

Dear India,

It's your mother, this weekend there's going to be a family reunion in Florida at your grandmothers house. You should come and reunite with your family.

Love, your mother

This can't be my mother, we haven't talked in years now she comes to her senses and want me back in her life?

"Are you serious?" I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Vee asked noticing that I'm pissed.

"Nothing" I replied going upstairs to my room.

I walked in and I see Trey watching TV.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" he asked concerned.

"I got a letter from my mother" I told him sitting on the bed. "I can't believe after 3 years she wanna reunite with me, When she was on drugs she blamed me for my father's death, and hated me" I shook my head.

"You gonna go?" he asked. I looked at Trey and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know Trey" I said lowly.

"I think you should" he said hovering over me.

"Hmm" I said unsure.

"Don't give me that hmm" he mocked.

"Okay I'll go, but you're coming with me" I told him, he nodded.

"Ok" he said giving me a kiss.


"Shit! Only 40$" I said placing my hands on my forehead.

I need some money, I can't stay at this messed up hotel,I'm broke and I need a job somewhere. I grabbed my bags and left the hotel, I don't have a car so I'm going to have to walk my ass somewhere.

"Need a ride?" a guy said pulling over. This guy looks like he in his twenties light-skinned and cute.

"Yea" I nodded. I got in the passenger side and put my bags in the back seat.

"What you doing out here by yourself?" he asked.

"I left my cousins house" I answered.


"We're here" he said pulling over. I'm at Sierra's house I told her earlier that I was coming to her house.

"Thanks" I said as I unbuckled my seat belt grabbing my bags and getting out of the car.

I walked up to Sierra's doorstep and rang her door bell.

"Hey Dime" she smiled as she opened the door letting me.

"Hey Sierra, where's your parents?" I asked looking around.

"On a business trip, they won't be back in three months" she said. Sierra house is beautiful this girl is living large !

I sat down on her couch. "Amina and I got in a fight" I told her.

She looked at me confused. "Why?"

"Cuz, she didn't have my back when I was fighting India" I replied.

She shook her head."Let's not even talk about that raggedy bum bitch" she said rolling her eyes. I laughed.

"I need a job, I'm going broke" I said.

"You should work at Sugar twists" she suggested, I raised my eyebrow at her.

"What's that?" I asked her.

"It's a strip club, I even work there" she said. Working at a strip club wasn't my idea, but I do need this money.

"How much you make?" I asked her.

"900$" she said making my jaw drop.

"Damnnnn" I dragged looking at her surprised. 900$ a night, I need that kind of money.

"You gotta audition tho" she said.

"I don't know any dances" I whined.

"Shit, you know how to twerk" She chuckled. That is true. "You a got fat ass too" she said making me laugh.

"You do make a point" I nodded standing up, starting to twerk.

"Ayeeeeee" she said clapping her hands throwing money on me.

Maybe getting a job at the strip club won't be bad after all.


Kendra: You comin' over tonight?

Me: Yea sexy.

"Who's that baby?" Vee asked putting one of my shirts on.

I looked up at her."Nobody baby" I lied. "I gotta go somewhere Vee" I said sliding on my Nike's.

"Where you goin'?" She asked.

"To my moms crib" I lied giving her a kiss and leaving.


* Knock knock *

"Damnnn" I mumbled looking at Kendra in this sexy lingerie, walking in her house.

She pulled me in for a kiss and I picked her up taking her upstairs to her bedroom, laying her on the bed stripping her down.

"I'm happy to see you" she said softly kissing my neck.

"Yea, me too" I said hovering over her.

Twan creeping around with another chick

Just a lil quick chapter for y'all.

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