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I woke up this morning took a shower got dressed and made me some breakfast. I went into Vee room and she wasn't there she might of went to one of her guy friends house. I felt lonely so I decided to call Trey.

He picked up. "Hello" he said.

I patted my head. "Heyyyy Trey" I said back.

"Oh, wassup India ?" he said. I cleared my throat.

"Nothing much I just feel lonely since my friend Vee isn't home" I told him.

"Oh well, I can't wait to see you tonight India" he told me.

I blushed. "I can't wait to see you too Trey" I said back. All the sudden Vee comes in the apartment. She waved at me and I waved back as she walked to the bathroom.

"Trey I'll see you later ?" I said dismissing the phone conversation.

"ight bye" he said. I hung up and I walked in the living room and sat on the couch.

"Who was that on the phone ?" Vee asked me.

"That was Trey, the boy I kind of like" I replied.

She came out of the bathroom drying her hands off with a towel.

"Hmm...kind of" she said. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up !" I told her playfully.

"India I'm about to go to Macy's to buy me some outfits,wanna come ?" she asked.

I nodded my head."Sure" I said.

We lefted the apartment and drove to Macy's and I was going through the clothes grabbing cute tops and bottoms. Then, I saw this nude shirt with red short bottoms and these heels. I just have to try them on.

"OMG, India you look bad !" Vee exclaimed.

I flipped my hair."I know right a baddie" I told her with a smirk.

I changed back into my normal clothes and I went to the cashier to purchase my outfit.

"Here you go miss" I told to the cashier handing my shorts, heels and nude shirt over to her.

"Thank you that will be 30.99 $" the cashier lady said. I reached into my purse and gave her my credit card.
Then I received my change and packed my clothes in bags and left out of Macy's with Vee.

It was already 7:30 I was Just getting dress before Trey comes.

"I look cute" I said in my head. I took lots of pictures and posted them on instagram.

*Picture of India to the side *

Beep! Beep! I heard from my window. I looked out of my window and I saw Trey car. I rushed and put on my lip stick and smacked my lips together, and I grabbed my purse and left out of the apartment.

I walked down the stairs outside, Trey was surprised on how I looked.

"Damn" he said smiling big. I turned around to give him a great view.

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