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Tierra in Media


"Trey yess baby! Mmm" I moaned out as he was beating my shit in. Everybody was still at the restaurant, me and Trey wanted to fuck before they get back.

"Fasterrr!" I moaned gripping on the sheets.

"Turn dat ass over shawty!" He demanded. I turned over as I arched my back when he entered me again. We already went through four condoms

I buried my head in a pillow trying not to scream. "Fuckkkk papi" I moaned out as he was hitting it from the back.

"Damn India" he mumbled giving me deep long strokes.

"This pussy mines?" he said pulling my hair. I like it when he pulls my hair.

"Yess!" I moaned in pleasure.

He sped up his pace making me arch my back more.

"Trey I can't take it no more!" I groaned as I shook my head.

He held my waist tighty speeding up his pace, he was too deep in and the pleasure was too much.

"I'm bout to nut" he groaned. His voice was a little raspy and low.

"Me too" I yelled unintentionally. We both came together.

"Yea, I'm going to marry you" Trey smirked as I laid on his chest. I rolled my eyes.

"Yea whateva" I chuckled. "We should go get cleaned up before everybody comes back" I mentioned.

"Yea we should" he nodded,getting out of bed to go take a shower.

I got out of bed and followed him to the bathroom. "I'm getting in the shower too"


"I can't believe she would say something like that" Desiree said referring to what happened at the restaurant.

I signed. "Yea, I was ready to come across that table and beat her ass" I chuckled. Desiree laughed.

"I'm going miss you India, tomorrow it's our last day here together at this family reunion" She pouted.

I hugged her. "I'm going to miss you too sis" I pouted along with her.

Our mom knocked on Desiree room door where we at."Can I have a word with India? Desiree." Mom asked, Desiree nodded and left her room.

Mom came in and sat down next to me on Desiree bed.

"Sooooo...." I dragged out, to start the conversation.

"Ok, India since you're leaving tomorrow I wanna make it up to you and go shopping together" I smiled from ear to ear hearing that.

"Yea sure mom" I nodded.

She signed and held my hand, looking in my eyes. "I wanna start over again as mother and daughter, I know I wasn't there for you and it' my fault I treated you like you were nothing" She admitted, tearing up a little.

I wiped her tear. "Mom,I forgive you" She smiled at me and gave me a hug.

Maybe I can start a new relationship with my mom. It's been hard growing up with a parent who were addicted to drugs and had to go away to rehab for a long time after my father's death. We can both move on from the past and start fresh.


I'm in the kitchen making me some breakfast, then Tierra comes in wearing a lace see through. Really?

She wrapped her arms around my torso from behind. "Hey Trey" She said softly, I moved her arms off of me.

"Tierra do you gotta be all up on me?" I asked annoyed looking at her.

She bit her lip."Why not? I can't help it you're too sexy" She smirked wrapping her arms around my neck.

"You need to chill" I said, rushing out the kitchen.

That girl is thirsty.

*Back in LA*


"Stop Dre, I'm trying to finish my homework" I giggled as he was tickling me on the couch.

"Why not finish it later?" he spoke softly nibbling my ear, which turns me on.

I hopped on his lap and started grinding.

"I fucking love you!" He said crashing his lips into mines taking off my shirt.

I started unbuckling his pants until we heard a knock at the door.

"Just ignore em, they'll go away" Dre fanned off kissing my neck, we continued trying to make love to each other until we heard another knock.

I sat up."Baby it could be important" I said putting my shirt back on.

He huffed and buckle up his pants.

I opened the door and it was this woman with straight hair, light brown skinned and a little thick.

"Can I help you?"

"Is Dre here?" she asked. What do she want with Dre?

"Yea why?" I nodded, Dre came at the door.

"What you want?" Dre asked the girl.

"I'm pregnant Dre and it's yours" She said making me frown.

Are you fucking serious? 😡

"That kid ain't mine Noel!" he said defensively.

Noel ?

"Yes it is. The last time we had sex was two weeks ago" She stated.

She took something out of her bag and gave it to him."What's this?" he asked looking confused.

"The baby ultrasound" She replied. I frowned at Dre. I'm so over him now.

"This is what you do when I'm not around" I said looking at him and Noel.

"Baby it's not like that" he said as I ran upstairs.


"YOU GOT THAT BITCH PREGNANT!" I yelled in anger.

"KENNEDY ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK" he yelled back. I rolled my eyes and chuckled lowly.

"What's so funny?"

"The fact that you lied to me" I said packing my stuff.

He didn't say anything.

"You can go fuck twenty bitches for all I care!" I said completely ending the conversation.

Yup, I said it.

"Kennedy!" I ignored him and kept on moving, time to move on.

I'm done with his ass.

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Dre got Noel pregnant. *sips tea*

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