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Two weeks later...

[ Unknown Character is Shawn]

I spotted India walking by herself to the park. I tucked my gun on my waist band of my boxers, I got out of the car and made my move.

"Hey are you lost?" I asked her. She shook her head no and walked past me.

"Do you need a ride?" I asked.

She signed and rolled her eyes."No I don't need a ride" she said sternly.

Alright thats it.

"Come on! Get in the car" I said through gritted teeth as I grabbed her waist opening my car door putting her in the back.

"Let me go!" She yelled banging on the car window. I got in the drivers seat and took out my gun aiming it at her.

"Bitch if you don't shut the fuck up!" I hollered annoyed by her yelling.

She covered her face."Please don't kill me!" she begged.

"Don't worry I'm not, someone else is going to" I smirked starting up my car.


We pulled up at the warehouse, I opened the car door on India's side and grabbed her.

"Please let me go!" She cried.


She kicked me in my nuts making me groan in pain, but I still was holding on to her.

"Stupid bitch!" I gritted as I knocked her out cold.

I knocked on the warehouse door and Dre answered.

He looked at India and smirked.

"Take her to the back" he ordered. I nodded and took her unconscious body to the back.


I wake up and I'm in an empty storage room tied up in a chair. All I remember is that I was walking to Jennifer's house to pick up something then this black car pulled up beside me. A dark-skinned guy with tattoos comes up to me asking if I wanted a ride, I said no. Then he shoved me in his car and drove off with me.

"Hello India" I heard a voice that sounds like Dre. I looked up and supposing it was him standing there smiling at me evilly. "You know if I want something I get it and I want you India to suffer" he smirked.

"Sick bastard" I spat. He laughed.

"Listen bitch, if you spit on me again I will tear that pussy apart down there" he threaten aiming a gun at my head.

I didn't say anything.

"I'll be back" he said walking out of the room.

"Dear lord, please don't let them kill me I'm scared for my life, please keep me safe in your arms and watch over me." I prayed.


It's 11:00 at night I haven't seen India all day, I'm starting to lose my mind, pacing back and forth in my room waiting for her to call me. My phone lit up on my bed I grabbed it in a hurry and saw a text.

???: We have your girl if you ever want to see her alive, bring us the money and weed.

Me: You better not touch her!!!

???: No promises.

"Fuckkk!" I yelled as I threw my phone at the wall.

I can't lose her.

Sorry that it was short.

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