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Today is my last day being at this reunion with my family, I feel sad about leaving but I gotta go back to Los Angeles. We're all outside talking playing music and Grandma lisa is cooking on the grill. She already made crabs, potato salad, greens, bake macaroni. 👅💦

I was sitting on the porch with Trey flirting and stuff.

"Can I get a kiss?" I asked puckering my lips, he leaned in and kissed me."Thank you" I smiled. Trey looked like something was on his mind and I wonder what it is.

I tapped his shoulder to get his attention."Baby are you ok?" I asked concerned.

He licked his lips."No I'm not!" he said.

"Why?" I asked rubbing his shoulder. He looked over at me.

"Tierra came on to me" he told me. This girl is gonna get it !

I flipped my hair over my shoulder.

"This bitch" I mumbled. "What did she say or do?" I asked cupping my hands together.

He signed."She said that I'm sexy and she wrapped her arms around my torso, but I moved her arms off of me" he said. I felt my blood starting to boil.

I bit my lip."Oh, really?" I nodded giving Tierra a death glare, she was talking to Desiree.

"What you bout to do now?" Trey said seeing me glaring at Tierra. I stood up.

"I just gotta handle this real quick" I said walking up to Tierra.

"What's up with you talking to man? Didn't I make clear that I don't want you around?" I said getting hype.

She stepped close to me."Bitch, I can do whatever I want" She rolled her eyes.

Oh you can?

"Bitch, you don't want to be in my face" I smirked at her placing my hands on my hips.

"Yes I do bitch"

Desiree held me back "Yo chill" she said. I wasn't even paying no mind to Desiree I'm about to drag Tierra.

"Fuck that bitch!" Tierra spat.

Spat! 💦

I know she did not not just spit on me.

"YOU DIRTY ASS BITCH!" I yelled ass I dragged her to the ground as we both fell.

"Trey help me!" I heard Desiree panicked trying to separate us.

Trey ran over to us where we were fighting.

He grabbed my waist."India let go" I tried brushing his hands off of me so I can get my hits in on Tierra.

"Tyrese come over and help me separate them!" I heard Desiree say tugging on Tierra as she was pulling my hair. We were both throwing punches at each other on the ground, I wrapped my legs around her torso to keep her in a lock since she's pulling my hair.

I gave her uppercuts and got all my hits in, I used all my strength to pull her hair rough.

"Let go India damn!" Trey spoke holding onto my hands.

"She has my hair!" I spoke still holding on Tierra's hair. If I let go she's going try to punch me in my face, I'm going to get the last hit.

"Tee let go!" Tyrese spoke grabbing onto Tierra.

"India get off of her!" I heard my mom spoke. I decided to let go of her hair since she's not going to let go of mine, When I let go she punch my lip.

"STUPID ASS BITCH!" I yelled as Trey took me inside the house.

"I'm ready to go Trey!" I huffed,going upstairs to start packing.


I had to go make this drop since Trey was away in Florida with his girl. I'm still thinking about Vee I should've never fuck up our relationship.

"Sup Que, when they pulling up" I asked as dapped him. He gave me a head nod.

We saw a black car pulled up on the corner where me and Que we're waiting for to come get his drop.

I nodded Que and walked up to the car.

"Here man" I said handing him the weed.

"What the fuck is this?" He said angrily holding the bag.

"It's what you ask for nigga!" I spoke making a mug look. Right before you knew it he took out his gun and...

Pow! Pow!


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That fight doe

The way they were fighting in Media.

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