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"You know that you're wrong Indy" Vee said rubbing her baby bump as we we're sitting on the couch.

"Vee I'm just stressed out over this pregnancy, how am I going to explain this to my mom?" I complained. She moved her hair to the side.

"Look I don't know, but it's your fault for not being 100% protected while riding that dick" She quoted. I rolled my eyes.

"What I'm going to do Vee?" I sighed, curling up on the couch.

"I don't know India, but this is your responsibility" She stated. Vee is right, I should've been cautions about me and Trey having sex. I shouldn't be blaming this whole situation on him, part of this is my fault and I have to deal with my responsibility.

I picked up my iPhone6 off of the coffee table and called Trey.


"Hey Trey"


"I'm sorry for yelling at you last night, can you ever forgive me?"

"Yea but, I don't see why you would pin this pregnancy on me when you stopped using protection every time we had sex"

"Trey the whole thing is not my fault, you was going along without using the condome too" I raised my voice slightly.

"We're not about to argue on the phone ,I'll be over there later" He said calmly.

"Trey-" Before I can even speak he hung up.



"Goodmorning baby" Terrell whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms around me.

I turned around and kissed his soft plump lips. "Hey babe" I think that I'm in love with Terrell, he's very caring, and the D is bomb!

"Babe I gotta go to work, I'll call you later" he kissed the side of my neck.

I turned around facing him. "Ok, I'll be here" I smiled. He gave me one last kiss and left.

My phone was ringing, I looked at the caller ID and it was unknown I answered it anyway.


"Kennedy! It's me Dre" I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want Dre?" I huffed.

"I want to apologize for being a dickhead to you. Look, when I get out of prison, we'll be together and start fresh."

"Dre why would I wait for you to get out of jail in four years? I don't even wanna be with you, I'm already in a relationship with someone and he is an upgrade from you, he treats me right and never hurt me, like you did"

"You already seeing another bull after we broke up Kennedy? What about us?

"We're done Dre. I'm over you" I hung up on him and flipped my hair to the side.

Did he seriously think that we'll make up again?


"Nooooo Jayceon, it goes right here" I laughed showing him where to put the icing on the cupcakes that we made.

"I'm a master chef, when it comes to cooking" he laughed.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Yea whatever"

"What flavor is this?" Jayceon asked referring to the icing. He dipped his finger in the icing and feed it to me.

"Strawberry" I answered tasting the icing.

"Jayceon, I'm glad that we're spending time together again, it really means a lot" I nodded. He walked up to me.

"Me too Dime" He sighed.

"I just wish that we can be something" I spoke.

"Dime I have a girlfriend"

"And?" I dragged.

"And, Its not fair to leave here for you" He stated. I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes.

"Can we at least make love to each other?" I whispered coming close to his lips.

"Dime-" I cut him off kissing his lips as I felt him grabbed a hand full of my ass.

"Mhm Jayceon" I moaned as he lifted me up on the counter, kissing my neck. I know that he has a girlfriend but this feels so right.

"Right there Jayceon" He started rubbing my clit making me moan louder.

The front door opened and I pushed Jayceon off of me, making him stumble back.

"What the hell is this?!"

( Kennedy in Media )

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Sorry for the long wait of this chapter. I've been busy with things and I haven't had time to update my books much lately.

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