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My mom coming back home in two days and she wanted me to try to forgive Dad for what he had done in the past, but I just can't. I feel like he's holding something back from me but he don't wanna tell me.

"Baby you ok ?" India asked me.

"I'm straight" I shrugged.

"Tomorrow is my birthday, I'm turning 18 finally !" she exclaimed hopping right on top of me grindin.

"Bae, you makin me hard" I chuckled as I held her waist.

She bit her lip. "So?" she winked.

"You want it now ?" I smirked.

She nodded her head. I started kissing on her neck then sucking on it. She moaned softly in my ear turning me on.

"Hold on baby" I said softly. Leaning over to grab a condom from the night stand drawer.

"Hurry up" she pleaded. I chuckled and slid the condom on then I slowly dive in her.

"Trey" she winced as I slid in her.

"Baby I'm not gonna hurt you" I chuckled starting to speed my pace.


"Fuuuuuckkkk Trey !" I moaned releasing. He licked his fingers.

"Taste like cinnamon" he smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Shut up !" I said as I hit him playfully.

I got up to go clean myself off in the bathroom.

"Baby I'm going to the dance studio with Jennifer tomorrow I'll only be there for a Lil bit" I said coming out the bathroom drying my hands off with a towel.

"Ard" he said simply. I climbed in bed with Trey and gave him a kiss.


"I'm thinking of quitting this dance thing" I confessed to Jennifer.

"Why?" she asked.

"It's just that I'm over it" I said dazing off.

"Sometimes you gotta move on" she said. I smiled.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom" I told her getting up and leaving the studio.

"Alright" she shouted. I giggled as I heard her down the hall. I was on my phone texting Trey.

Bae: I'm at the park with Twan beating his ass in basketball.

Me: Lol

I suddenly fell and almost cracked my phone.

"You ok ?" I heard someone say.

I grabbed their hand and got up. I brushed my Jeans to get the dust off, then I look up and it was Dre.

"Your welcome" he said with an attitude.

"No thank you" I said rolling my eyes at him, I walked away but Dre grabbed my arm in a hurry.

looked down at my arm and looked right back up at Dre. "let go" I dragged out annoyed.

He chuckled. "Your a Bitch India" he said seriously.

I grin at him. "Fuck you Dre!" I snatched my arm away from him and walked away.

{ 15 minutes later }

I walked back in the dance studio and I see Jennifer on her phone.

"Damn bitch ! What took you so long?" she asked turning off her phone.

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