A glimpse of us

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Nora POV

„Where is mama?" Chase asked as she looked around her while she walked into the kitchen.

„She had to leave earlier honey."

„Does that mean that you will bring us to school?"
She asked and I shook my head.

„Actually no. I will." we both looked to the side to Beth leaned against the kitchen counter.

„Aunty Beth!!" Chase cheered in excitement as she almost jumped into her arms.

„Good Morning to you too princess."

„Hey aunty Beth!" Quinn jumped in to hug Beth from behind and she ruffled his head to greet him.

„Okay kids here are your lunch boxes. Put them into your backpacks. I don't think you have enough time for breakfast so why don't you guys go and pick something from the bakery up?" I offered them and the cheered. Without hesitation they grabbed their bags and started to run outside to hop into Beth's car.

„You guys were fighting right?" Beth asked after she looked back into my direction. I staid silent as I hoped to the fridge to get myself a water bottle.

„What was it about?" she asked knowing me all to well. She can read me like an open book.

„That I don't remember her. She makes me feel like it is my fault that I don't remember her anymore.
I wish it would have turned out differently but it's not. We both said some fucked up shit."

„Damn. What did you guys say to each other?" she asked as she sat down in front of the kitchen island.

„Long story short I said it is maybe better if I don't remember anything because I will be able to move on and make new memories. With her.  Ut she caught it off completely different and she started to twist my words in my mouth. She got angry. She told me she is hurt because I don't remember her anymore."

„Okay. Wow. You know it's not your fault right?"
Beth asked and I chuckled.

„Well I am definitely the damn problem. So I am the one to blame after all because I can't remember her."

„No stop it there. You need to understand and she definitely needs to understand that too, that none of this memory lose thing is your fault. It's not. You've lost because you literally got perforated with bullets. The trauma your body had to go through made your mind suffer as well. She should be a bit more gentle."

„She also said that I shouldn't have asked her to take care of the kids." I added and Beth raised a brow.

„To me she looked really happy while she was around Quinn and Chase I don't get why she would say something like this."

„She was in love with me right? Or am I misunderstanding the signal completely wrong? Her touch feels familiar. Her eyes. I've never had someone look at me the way she does. I can feel that there is something in her mind hidden. But I can read between the lines. I just didn't want to ask her because I would feel like shit if she would say yes because I can't remember her."

„I think that she was. After all those years I don't know if she still is. But those signs are definitely a hint."

„But she's with Robbie.."

„Girl this cosplay Jesus tried to kill you. Screw him and his messy ass hair. She might be married to him and she might have had an affair with you. But he is nothing compared to you. I honestly don't even know why she didn't end things sooner. This escalated so quickly as soon as Robbie found out about you. That you were still alive and that Victor didn't kill you. I think those bitches worked together. There has to be a connection."
Beth spoke her mind and I couldn't agree more on what she had to say.

„Cosplay Jesus.. you really hit the nail on the head with that nickname." I let my sarcasm seep through.

„Oh girl I got a list. Cosplay Jesus. Wanna be hipster-."

„Aunty Beth!!! We are late for school!!" the kids screamed out loud from outside and we looked at the clock realizing that we got lost in time.

„SHIT!!" we both yelled at each other.

„I'll catch up on you okay!! WE ARE NOT DONE YET!" she screamed louder the farer she was away from the house.

I watched them drive off from the kitchen window and started to go upstairs as soon as I couldn't see her car anymore.

I took the bottle I had and called for Chestnut so that she would follow me outside. I sat down on the wooden swing and watched how Chestnut enjoy her zooming sprints through the field and forest into front or the house.

I was sitting there enjoying my time at home and as I looked across the freshly trimmed grass I saw something shimmer in the sun. My curiosity got the upper hand on me and I decided to go look for what was laying on the ground in the sun.
I knelled down and laid my crutches aside to grab what's been laying there.

As I realize what it is my heart stopped for a moment. I looked around trying to find another piece but I only saw this one.

An empty bullet.

„L-Liz. I'm d-dying. It's okay. Hey..." I remember saying. Seeing this bullet triggered something in me.

„NO YOU ARE NOT DYING! You hear me? This is not how our story ends. HEY!! Nora!!" Lizzie's voice echoed through my mind and a shiver went down my spine as I looked around being completely lost and overwhelmed.

„H-hold my h-hand. Please." My vision became clear and I saw through my eyes how Lizzie looked devastated. She was truly deeply hurt and terrified.

„No! I'm not gonna hold your hand. You're not dying you hear me? What are you gonna tell your kids?"
Her voice was trembling and tears rolled down her face.

My hands are digging into the grass as tears fell down onto the ground. The bullet lays right beneath me. One of my hands moved under my shirt and I started to stroke over my scars that still hurt even though they are visibly healed.

The bullets that traumatized my body forever have a complete different meaning now. They hurt even more. I thought I was dying. I thought i would see Lizzie for the last time and she kept on denying that I dying.


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