F you

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Narrator POV

„What happened Liz?" Nora asked Lizzie because she wanted to know how that accident happened.

„I was talking with my mom about the situation i am in. Like about us and all. She made me realize a lot and she told me that you asked to drive by for Chase. So I went and made my way to you. The weather was horrible and when I reached a short cut that was another forest a small deer appeared in front of me and I reached this way out of shock." she explained and she was thankfully fully aware of the things that have happened which is a good sign.

Nora staid silent not being able to add anything.
‚Is it my fault?' is what Nora started to ask herself.
It sure feels like it to her because she was the reason why Lizzie left her home in the first place.
She wouldn't have done it if she wouldn't have known and if she did she should have at least waited until the other day but she was reckless for going out during that Strom.

„Are you okay?" she asked and Nora she nod her guilt trip off.

„I am now. But shouldn't I be the one asking if you are okay?" She asked back trying to lead the conversation away from her focus.

„Don't worry about me. I'll get out of here and be back on track in no time." Lizzie replied while tensing her arm as if she wanted to flex a muscle that wasn't visible which made Nora smile wide and giggle.

„Do you mind telling me what happened to your hand?" she asked as she was glancing down at Nora's hand that was covered in rings as per usual but now her knuckles were bruised and bloody.

„I just had to defend myself and my family. That all."
Nora answered as she looked down at her hand closely before looking back to Lizzie to see a raised brow in a worried way.

„Please. I know that face of yours." Nora added sounding slightly annoyed.

„Oh you do? And what does it say?" she asked slightly stern.

„Your face practically says ,you better tell me on your own on what you got yourself into or I'll get it out of you forcefully' But there is nothing to worry about because i handled it properly."

„Punching someone doesn't mean ‚handled properly' y'know. I don't want the police standing in front of your door because of another reason."
And with that being said Nora has been reminded that she should really keep herself together now.

„I know. I almost feel like i am being lectured by you. But she got what she deserved and I highly doubt that there will be a comeback."

„Why did you punch a woman anyway?"
Lizzie asked slightly disappointed making Nora rub her eyes in anger.

„Just so you know I just didn't defend myself.
First off i had to show her who she was messing with. Second off she was pissing me the fuck off. Third off i did it for Chase too and last but definitely not least.." Nora took a breath while she was counting those points by her fingers.

„I did it for you too. I defended you because this bitch dragged you through the mud and I couldn't stand to hear another word from this extension fake ass blond bitch." Nora added and silence fell between them.

This moment made Lizzie realize something.
That Nora was really starting to feel closer to her. Or else she wouldn't defend Lizzie's name that way. She would probably talk back. But she most definitely didn't expect that she would punch a woman into her face.

„You did that for me?" Lizzie asked as she took a hold of Nora's pinky finger.

„Yes...and I'd do it again if I had to." she whispered as she wiggled her pinky that was held by Lizzie.

„Besides if you would have heard what she said you'd be throwing more than one fist. Sie technically I was gentle." Nora told her in a sarcastic way.

„Damn was it that bad?" Lizzie asked her while tilting her head lightly.

„Ugh. She insulted me at first then you and then the principal and let's not forget that her kids brought all those problems for Chase and she's so isolated and sad and it's ugh. It's a lot."

„Wait, wait, wait. What is going on with Chase? My mom didn't really tell me everything but this was the reason why I wanted to come by."

Oh...yeah. This reminded Nora that she only had the intention to come see Chase and not her.
Hearing this actually hurt more then she'd expect.

„Well she is really sad about the fact that you didn't come hom- I mean that you didn't come back. She got really used to you and to my surprise she didn't want me to be around. She wanted you. So it's been tough not gonna lie. Oh and on top of that I found out that she's being bullied in school."
She began to explain and had to take in a breath before moving on.

„Because she wears glasses like what the fuck. It's not that deep and definitely not a reason to get bullied. Been there done that when I was a kid but I got over it with time because I was used to sucking everything in. But Chase is different. She needs someone to talk to and that someone is you because you've bonded so well." Nora's rambling came to an end and silence filled the room once again.

„So. If you won't mind. It would be great if you'd come by every now and then to see the kids.
I don't want you to stay at a place where you don't wanna be. But they really love you. So does chestnut." and so do I... is what Lizzie kinda wanted to hear as well but she knew she wasn't gonna hear it.

„you just want me to come by be around them for a while? I don't know why but this offer you made sounds awfully like a divorced couple that is trying to figure out how to handle their kids."

„Well. First off we ain't divorced. Cause there is nothing to divorce in the first place. And second off they are my kids."

„Oh okay. So I didn't become a parent while you were gone? I was babysitter?"

„You were their mother temporarily." she emphasizes the last word which pissed off Lizzie even more.

„Honestly no. Fuck you for saying that. I am not just something temporary. They got attached to me and so did I to them." Lizzie fired back and that surprised Nora because that out burst came out of nothing.


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