In the car

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Nora POV

„I can't even imagine how fucked up this is. But just because you stand in the dark when it comes to remembering doesn't mean that you won't remember at all."

„Still feels like it sometimes." I mumbled while letting myself slide deeper into the passenger seat.

„I know. But things will fall into place. Trust me. You will remember. Lizzie will stay and you both will find your ways to each other again."

„You think so?" I asked I swallowed my tears that wanted to fall so dearly.

„I really do think so. Just please. Try not to say so many hurtful things. Especially to Liz. The words you say hit her differently."

„I know. I've said so many fucked up things. I'd honestly understand if she doesn't want to see or hear from me at all."

„She said some fucked up shit too. But you both are just drained in pain and you both miscommunicate and misunderstanding each other."

„That night when we fought for the trillionth time... there was a point where I really believed that she hated me and that she didn't want to be with Chase and Quinn and Chestnut."

„Scar they are my world. They are everything to me. I felt at ease when I knew that she'd take care of them. Then she tells me that she didn't even wanted to do it and that honestly broke me to the core."

„I get that. But she never meant that. I can tell. She did that just because she was hurt and she probably wanted to let you feel her hurt too. But she took the kids in as if they were her own flesh and blood. I mean it Nora. Lizzie's face lighted up when she looked how the kids interacted. Sometimes when we were on our own she told me that they remind her of you."

„I honestly don't want to tear my kids from her apart. They absolutely love her. It shows because they were so crushed when they noticed that she wouldn't be around."

„It's crazy to me because Lizzie is like the first person they get really attached to."

„Well that's a good sign isn't it?"

„It's great. I realized that she was the right person to take over. Even with the school and all. When she was there because of Chase. She totally demolished that shit just like I would have done."

„That the momma bear mode." she added with a laugh and that made me laugh a bit too because I started to notice how similar we actually are.

„She really went in there and crushed the principal. God forbid I wouldn't want to find out if she had to interact with Sabrina."

„I think she would have thrown more than one fist." scar added and I hummed.

„Yeah probably." I let out a chuckle as I imagined how Lizzie would throw a punch.

„Wanna pick up the phone?" scar asked as she started the engine and I leaned back to grab my phone that was laying in my bag.

„Who is it?" she asked as she noticed that I was staring at the screen as my phone kept on ringing.

„Hey..." I answered the phone.

„Oh Nora? Is that you?" my father answered.

„Yes. Of course it is. You called my number did you forget?"

„No it's just to be honest I didn't expect that you'd pick up." he replied.

„Yeah me neither. Looks like you got lucky this time." I answered sarcastically.

„Look. I wanted to call and ask if you'd like to come to lunch or dinner at our place. Or if I could visit you. I didn't just want to pop up at your front door without any allowance." he asked surpassingly respectfully.

„It's my father... he wants me to come by at his place for dinner. Or he wants to come to my place." I whispered to scar as I covered my phone with my other hand.

„What do I do?" I asked her quietly and she shrugged her shoulders while raising her hands slightly.

„I don't know." she added and I leaned back into the seat.

„Are you still there?" he asked a bit louder and I pulled my attention back to talk to him.

„Listen. I appreciate that you ask before doing the actions you intend to do but I still don't really feel ready and I don't wanna put myself up with that before I handle some other stuff."

„Oh okay. Yeah sure. I understand."

„A little heads up would've been nice. I found out that you sponsor my kids school financially. The principal told me today."

„I couldn't contain myself. I am sorry. I can pull that sponsoring stuff back if that is what you want."

„No. It's okay I guess. I don't know. It's weird. Did you see my kids there?" I asked him wanting to know if he went there to see them.

„No. They were in classes during that time. Besides. You didn't approve of me to go see them. It doesn't feel right to do so." he answered and wow I was surprised to hear that.

„Wow. You've outdone yourself."

„What do you mean?" he asked irritated.

„Well. I can't help but to wonder where this respectful politeness was while I was raised by you. Hold on let me correct myself. You didn't raise me. I raised myself so that I wouldn't become you."
It went silent between us and I waited for him to say something. I waited for him to snap. But he didn't.

„I know. You have every right to say that. It's true I didn't raise you and I am glad you raised yourself in a way that you wouldn't turn out like me."
I don't know what it is but something is bugging me right now.

„Wait. Your not gonna yell at me because I „disrespect" you? Where is the yelling? The shouting and screaming?" I asked him furiously.

„I've changed. Your sister got me into therapy.
We all went because this fucked up family needs it.
So I won't yell at you. No matter what you say. I've found my way to confront things differently."

„Bullshit. This can't be true."

„It is. But I won't force you to believe it. I won't try to convince you. You have to see it yourself.
Please I just want to let you know that I am going to wait for as long as you need me to. Even if you never want to see me or us all again. We are fine with whatever you decide."
I looked at scar as she listend eagerly because I've put him on speaker so that she won't stand in the dark.

„Is that all?" I asked him.

„I know I can't make up the time I've ruined.  But if you give me a chance I can improve myself and maybe one day we will be able to start over. 
Or I can be a better grandfather than a father."
Be added and silence surrounded me yet again.

„I don't know what to say." I told him truthfully.

„You don't have to say anything at all. It's okay.
Just know that I will be here if you call."


„Alright. Thank you for taking your time to talk to me." he added.

„Yeah." I answered and hung up the call.


A/n: watched guardians of the galaxy volume 3 today and I had some HEAVY crying sessions!!
Devastated, heavy, ugly cry

Hope y'all watch it cause it's worth it !!

Thanks for still hanging along with my story I appreciate it a lot <3

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️


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