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Narrator POV

Before Nora could even argue back or comprehend what has been said they got interrupted by a door knock following with a doctor and nurse coming in.

„Misses Olsen. We are relieved that you are awake by now. Welcome back. How are you feeling?"
The doctor asked as he started to check her vitals.

„Fine. Just a slight headache." Lizzie replied as she kept her gaze at Nora but Nora didn't.

„Can you describe that headache a bit more specific please?"

„Like a fuzzy feeling. A bit foggy. And tight around the head."

„Okay. We will keep an eye on that you've got away with a light concussion with that accident. To our surprise there was nothing else damaged except for some scratches from the glass that shattered alongside."

„When am I allowed to leave?" she asked immediately not asking any questions about her concussion.

„I think since you woke up so early we can let you leave after 24 hours. But if you the feeling gets worse we would like to keep you here longer."

‚Misses' is still something that stings in Nora's heart knowing that she is still officially married to that bastard. Every time she hears it she gets mad for some reason but she swallows that anger and steps over it as she usually does.

Lizzie noticed that Nora felt at unease but she doesn't know if it's from the fact that she just told her „fuck you" not even minutes ago. Or if it's from the doctors saying Misses to her.

„Please. Elizabeth is fine for me. I don't like formalities."

„Well it's our job to stay professional Misses so we'd like to stay that way. Out of respect."
Looks like he takes his job extremely serious.
Not that he shouldn't. It's just that this little favor could be done.

„Can I help you with anything?" the doctor asked as he scanned Nora who was standing slightly off because she didn't had her crutches with her and he probably also noticed the bruised hand.

„No thank you. I am fine doc." she declined his offer and Nora felt some stern eyes rest on her.
It was Lizzie. Obviously.

„If I could just get a bandaid. That would be great thank you." Nora replied, giving in because she wanted Lizzie to stop staring at her like this.

„Theresa would you be so kind and take misses?"
The doctor stopped mid sentence not knowing what Nora's surname is.

„It is miss. Miss Lewis." Nora corrected him.

„Right. My apologies. Take miss Lewis to the free room next door and fix her up please." he told his nurse and she smiled gently taking Nora's crutches knowing that they are hers and she gave them to her so that they could walk out together.

„I will prepare a prescription for you for as soon as you can leave. Take the medication after the feeling of need. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded take one with a small snack and some water so that it gets digested faster and better. You are not allowed to do sports in a couple weeks. No driving for at least two weeks. And bed rest is important."
He explained after Nora and the nurse left the room.

„Are there any other questions so far?"
He asked and Lizzie shook  her head.

„What about work?" She asked him.

„Depending on what your profession is."

„I am a professor. I have classes to teach."
She answered and he let out a small sigh writing something else down on the clipboard.

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