Kitchen talk

338 24 1

Nora POV

„How did it go?" Scar asked as she saw me walk into the kitchen.

„Definitely not how I expected it."
I answered as I filled myself another glass of wine.

„Okay... is this refill for a good or bad vibe?"
She asked as I stopped pouring after a while.

„Kinda mixed I can't really tell. I didn't get to talk to Lizzie." I replied before I took a sip.

„Then who did you talk to?" she asked confused.

„Her mother." I replied monoton with a brow raise.

„Oh... Jarnett picked up the phone instead of Lizzie? Okay. Why?"

„Lizzie is asleep. So I kinda talked to her mother a bit and it went alright I think. She wasn't screaming at me." I answered as I shrugged my shoulders. I sat down in front of the kitchen island and watched scar cook something for all of us.

„Why would she scream at you? You guys don't even know each other."

„She definitely knows A LOT about me. I am the reason for Lizzie's reactions and probably for all the tears she shred while I was gone."

„Is that guilt I hear in your voice?" she asked as I poured her a refill of her empty glass.

„I don't know maybe. The point is. Lizzie won't be here for Chase so I could've saved that call. I'll see what I can do with her later."

„Just don't be harsh with her when she doesn't tell you anything. Chances are high that she talked to Lizzie about something when you weren't around and maybe she just doesn't want to explain everything from the start."

„I feel like shit. I lost my connection to my own daughter while I was gone and now she won't even talk to me."

„No don't say that. That's not true. You guys still have a connection. It's just that Lizzie took over your role for a bit and they got used to having two moms. Besides Lizzie might be a bit more gentle. You overreact about a lot of things."

„What the heck I don't over- Oh."

„See! Lizzie might have a different type of soft spot when it comes to Chase than you do. That doesn't have to mean that it's bad. Your a great mom but you go riot and rip heads off as soon as a name drops."

„Can't remember the last time when I went riot but okay." I mumbled to myself seeing scar raise a brow on my comment.

„You literally Stabbed your ex to death girl. If that ain't a riot."

„I didn't start that shit. He asked for it and he got what he deserved. I was protective."

„Protective over Lizzie!!" she said that in a romantic way and I threw a grape Form the fruit plate at her.

„Hey! I am just being real Nora. I've seen love in different ways and this was definitely a love act.
A sacrifice even. You will remember so don't beat yourself up on it. Nothing if this is your fault."

„Are you free tomorrow by any chance?" I asked and she nod.

„Actually yes. I am until like 2 pm. Why?"

„It would be great if you'd drive the kids to school. I think I should tangle along. Maybe things will clear the air when I see what's going on in my kids school." I answered as I ate a grape from the plate.

„Okay but please don't make a scene like Lizzie did. She literally went in all momma bear mood because of Chase."

„Nahh I'll be calm." I told her calmly and that was a blunt lie. If I had to burn some shot down I would. Everything for my kids!

„What is your definition on calm in that context?"
She questioned skeptical as she squinted her eyes on me.

„I'll watch my kids walk in from afar. See what is going on and maybe then I'll know what is going on. Besides I need to go there anyway to speak to the principal and her teachers. They should know why I've been absent and that I am back as the responsible on."

„Okay. That sounds calm. Just don't scream or threaten anyone."

„I won't." she didn't say I can't yell at them so I can if I have to. I can lay my hand in the fire that she has some issues with the kids that have a bitchy mom.

„I hope so. I'll be watching you closely. I don't want you get into another fight or something."

„Did you expect me to jump someone's mom?"
I asked her jokingly.

„I could picture that yeah.." she answered with a smirk forming on her face.

„You nasty get that smirk of off your face. What are you imagining?"

„Just two women doing some wrestling."
She answered as she started to laugh and it was infectious.  I tried to enjoyed the laughter as good as I could.

„Chase!! Quinn!! Dinners ready. Come on down."
Scar yelled towards the hallway and I heard steps coming down quick.

„Awesome I am hungry." Quinn answered exited as he grabbed himself a plate to fill it up.

„Are you hungry too my love?" I asked as I stroked my daughters hair aside. I squeezed her face because my little baby looks adorable and I love her absolutely and thank god I was able to squeeze a little smile out of her until she pushed my arm away playfully.

„I am yes." she answered and grabbed herself a plate as well.

„So. Tell me is there anything new in school?"
I asked as they climbed up onto the kitchen island chairs.

„Oh you know that Oliver likes to run barefoot."

„Yeah I remember that Quinn. He's a strange kid."

„He accidentally stepped onto a hedgehog and had to get picked up to go to the hospital."

„Oh my god poor thing. Is the hedgehog okay?"
Scar glared at me in a warning way.

„Eh I mean is Oliver okay?"

„I think so. He cried a lot but that is understandable. I mean I bet this must hurt. I will see what my teacher tells me tomorrow when I ask."

„and you love? What about you? How was school."
I asked while turning my head to Chase.
She's been quiet and she usual always laughs about what Quinn has to say.


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