Pinky promise

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Lizzie POV

After I got dressed from the shower I just had with Nora I started to walk down to enter the kitchen and I couldn't help but to smile as I see how this little family eats their breakfast together. I leaned
against the doorframe and crossed my arms while staying there in silence just to take in this moment.

They haven't noticed me yet because they were so invested into their conversation. Nora was a bit off as soon as she glanced at her phone to check why it was vibrating. She zoned out for a moment but came back. She placed her phone into the back pocket of her jeans and took a sip of her water.

„Mama!! You are finally here to eat breakfast with us too?" Quinn asked as he noticed that I was standing there watching them.

„Sure I am super hungry." I told him as I entered.
I looked at the plate that was beside Nora and it was already filed with waffles and a new mug stood there that was filled with coffee. I couldn't help but to grin at this.

I stroked Nora's back as I sat down next to her to take a sip of my coffee. „Are you happy that we have waffles for breakfast today?" Chase asked and I nod while cutting myself a piece to eat.

„Of course I do. Waffles are my favorite you know that." I answered and I felt Nora's eyes on me now.

„They are?" she asked while raising a brow.

„Yes. Why are you so surprised?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

„I don't know. It's just that our sweetheart begged for me to do them today and she doesn't love waffles as much as she loves pancakes. Isn't that so sweetheart?" Nora looked towards Chase and so did I.

„I just wanted mama to wake up to her favorite breakfast." she replied while chewing on her strawberry.

„Oh sweetie this is so nice of you. But you didn't have to do that. Waking up and sitting here with you guys is already enough to make me happy."
I told her and I felt Nora's hand on my thigh squeezing it lightly. I looked at her as she had a dreamy smile resting on her face.

„We appreciate that." she whispered and I let my fingers trace over hand that was still resting on my thigh.

„Will you stay with us now? Or will you leave us again like mom did?" Quinn asked and I felt how cold I became as Nora's hand slipped of off my thigh.

„Quinn I-."

„It's up to Lizzie to decide what she wants. But if you ask her in this tone and in that way this will sign her that you don't want her around. Is it like that Quinn?"

„No mom. It's not. I just want to know."

„Why?" she asked him a bit stern.

„So I can be ready when it happens again." he answered as he lowered his head.
I noticed how Nora was about to say something more serious since she had put her fork down.
But I held her back as I placed my hand on her back to sign her that she said enough.

She kept her eyes on Quinn as she was scanning him and the silence gave me the opportunity to slide into their conversation.

„I am not planning on leaving buddy. I am sorry that I did. You know your mom and I had some issues during that time and it wasn't easy for both of us-."

„Mom makes a lot of people leave. Don't you?"

„Quinn!" she hissed at him and my grip around her back became a bit tighter.

„Quinn what do you mean by that?" I asked him calmly and he looked at Nora instead of me.

„We don't have grandparents because of you and no dad...and you made mama leave."

„I see that you ate your breakfast. Why don't you go upstairs and try to reflect on what you said now?" she demanded him and he shook his head.

„No!! Why is it that you always have to ruin our family?" he yelled out and Nora's eyes changed from anger into sorrow. Her expression softened and she lowered her head to mind her sons gaze.

„Quinn. That's not nice for you to say. Your mom is not at fault because of the things that-."

„No. Lizzie it's fine. He's right." she told me as she looked at Quinn.

„I need to do my homework." he jumped down from his seat and walked off leaving us behind.

„sweetheart is everything okay?" Nora asked Chase immediately as she was trying to cover up how hurt she was from her sons words.

„Will you guys fight again?" she asked us and my heart breaks as I hear this.

„No sweetheart we won't. We are fine I promise."
She told her.

„And you won't leave mama.. right?"

„Oh sweetheart of course I won't. Never. I can promise you that." I reassured her and she pulled her pinky finger up to sign me to seal the promise I made.

„Pinky promise, promises us that this Promis is a must." she added as we sealed the deal.

„Come here let me give you hug." I waved her over and she climbed up to sit on my thigh so I can squeeze her tight.

„I love you mama." she whispered into my chest and I kissed her head.

„I love you too. Now. Why don't you go upstairs and check in on your brother?" I offered as I tugged her hair behind her ear.

„I will. Sorry that he was so mean." she apologized for his behavior.

„It's okay. This can happen." I replied and she jumped off to follow her bother upstairs.

I pulled my attention to Nora as I see how she was playing with her food.

„You know he wasn't right he's just-."

„You know he's right. I know It too. I ruin relationships. It's nothing new that I-."

„No that's not true." I interrupted as she was talking herself down.

„They are scared that one of us will leave again. He doesn't know the full story of your life because there are a lot of things that might be better off unknown for them both at first. At least until they've reached a certain age."

„How am I supposed to live with the fact that I killed their father? He died through my hands. Because of my reckless actions and behavior."

„Love this does not define you. You will tell them one day. But for now it is for the better if you hold this in your mind."

„Look. I don't really feel like talking right now. Can we do it some other time?" she asked a she ate her last bite.


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