Justice lays in the eye of the beholder

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Narrator POV

„Thank you Miss Lewis for your honesty. You can go back and take a seat next to your lawyer.
I would like to have Elle Keith now for questioning." Nora got up and went back to her place as the judge told her to and during that Elle got up to take place now.

The usual questioning was starting until the judge started to ask specify questions.
„What is your relationship with Victor?"

„He is the love of my life. He always was and this monster in front of us killed him!!!" Elle started off mad already and Nora didn't really had the empathy to take this bullshit. Especially not after opening up in the way she did.

„Miss!! We do not tolerate this behavior. Please stay calm." He slammed his hammer while saying it.

„Calm? How do you want me to stay calm when she killed someone. You can't let her get away with this." she fired back and Nora was already on the edge of the cliff wanting nothing more then to jump. Or to push her down.

„Can you tell us anything about how he behaved when he found out he way a father. Did he tell you?"

„He did. He came crying to me with so many joyful tears. He was desperately wanting to meet them. They are his kids."

„Objection your honor!" Ruby got up from her seat while slamming her hands onto the table.

„Objection given." the judge gave her the go.

„The picture miss Keith is drawing does definitely not fit into the victims description. He was a manipulative person and how he approached Miss Lewis was not with joy or sorrow because of the things he did."

„The report says that miss Lewis was the first one to point a revolver at him? Is that true?"
He asked her and Ruby looked to her side towards Nora and she nod slightly.

„She did your honor. But that does not tell that she wanted to kill him. She simply wanted to scare him off."

„See? She intended to kill him all along."

„Your honor! She did not intend to. Everything s Ehe did was a self defensive mechanism. A human will either freeze, run or defend themselves. She froze at first but she had no other option then to do what she did or else she would have been dead."

„I can't believe it how can you defend a murder?"
Elle yelled and everyone heard the hammer once again.

„I want Justice for my dead partner and she should be imprisoned. Where is the Justice if she doesn't get punished for killing someone?"
Elle added and silence feel into the court room.

„Okay I think it's enough for now. Miss Keith please go back to your seat." he announced and she went back while staring at Nora.

„The jury has to exchange opinions and come to a solution. We will give them the time they need and after that we will meet again for the final decision."
He added and Nora's gut feeling was wrenching.

The courtroom emptied itself and Nora went back to the hallway with Ruby right next to her.
Lizzie was already waiting for her outside.

„I can't express how proud I am for you for telling them your story.." Lizzie told her while she held onto Nora's hand tight. Nora gave her a short smile that couldn't last. Not after everything that has been said and done and especially not because she just had to relive it once again after avoiding it for years.

„I'll give you guys some time." Ruby stroked their arms and left to leave the women alone. Probably because she knows that they need the time and especially because no one knows if they will have more time.

Lizzie POV

„I can't wait to see your parents. I am sure we will all enjoy it." Nora reminded me and this came really unexpected. She had that look on her face that I couldn't quite analyze this time. And I am usually always able to do so. Just not now.

„How do you feel?" I asked her wanting to know what is going on in her head.

„A mix of being at ease and in unease." She kept her answer short.

„Why do I feel like there is something you are not telling me? Nora. It's me come on." I reassured her as I squeezed her hand.

„It's nothing Liz. I'm just... tired. That's all."

„You can sleep as soon as we go back home."
I told her and there was this look again in her eyes just for a glimpse that says I won't come home with you. But I ignore it. Because I know that she is just scared.

„Do you think we should get some wine when we go to visit your parents? I was thinking of a fruit basket too but I don't know if it is too much." she asked me and I shrugged my shoulders.

„Definitely some wine. But we have enough fruits at home I even planted some plants at my parents house."

„Okay flowers then. I don't want to come empty handed." she told me with a slight hint of nervousness.

„You will be fine. You could even come empty handed. Besides the other hand will be holding mine so one has to stay free." I told her cocky and there was that smile that I missed seeing. With that little dimple.

„I promised Chase and Quinn to work on the tree house. I have a phone number on the refrigerator that will help us to get everything." she told me and my face frowns.

„We will do that don't worry about it. I can't wait to see you climb up that tree to build it." I told her and she chuckled.

The huge wooden door opened once again and this was our sign to go back in. Nora was now the one squeezing my hand unintentionally because she  doesn't want to go back inside. Other then that she didn't have any signs of fear. Which is odd because I'd be freaking out. Which I am and I am not even the one being judged.

We went in and Nora let go of my hand be the time we reached our spots. She looked back at me and smiled. The judge came in and we all stood right before he let us sit down again.

„The jury and I have come to a conclusion. Jury please give your statement." a woman stood up with a paper in her hand.

„Yes your honor. There were some mismatches. Which lead us to collect our votes. It was a close vote. We weighted the fact and we vote for her to be found guilty your honor." terror rushed through my body as I looked at the jury who just spoke for Nora being charged as guilty. I feel like time slowed down as I started to turn my head towards Nora. She didn't look back at me. She kept her sight to the front. I saw how Ruby placed her hand on Nora's lower arm to give her some type of comfort.

Comfort that I can't give her because of the distance we keep.


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